What is Smart Switch and how do I use it? (2024)

The connection keeps dropping during the Smart Switch process. What should I do?

Please note: The Smart Switch app needs to be kept open during the transfer process. If the Smart Switch app is closed it may stop transferring and you will have to repeat the process. If you are having difficulty transferring your data using one of the Smart Switch methods, try using another to move your data.

If you're using Smart Switch to transfer via Wi-Fi, the devices need to be kept around 20cm apart. Smart Switch uses high frequency audio to establish a connection between the two devices. This audio is played out of the speaker of the old device into the microphone of the new device. Make sure that both the microphone and speakers are not covered and that you are in a quiet area.

If you have a non-Samsung device that constantly disconnects from the wireless network, go to the Advanced Wi-Fi settings on your device, turn off the “Wi-Fi initialize” and “Disconnect low Wi-Fi signal” options, and try again.

If you're using Smart Switch to transfer your data via a USB cable you should use your devices original cable and the Smart Switch adapter provided with your new phone. If you are unable to use the original cable, make sure you are using a USB cable that supports an MTP connection. Avoid moving or picking up your phone while the transfer is taking place as a USB connection must be active throughout the transfer process.

What is Smart Switch and how do I use it? (2024)


What is Smart Switch and how do I use it? ›

Smart Switch can transfer all your data, including your device settings, so that you can pick up your new device and carry on right where you left off. You can even create a backup for your old phone's files on your PC or Mac, then transfer or sync your data onto your new Galaxy phone.

How to use Samsung Smart Switch step by step? ›

How to guides
  1. Make sure the Smart Switch app is installed on both phones.
  2. Plug them into their chargers.
  3. Place the phones within 4 inches of each other.
  4. Launch Smart Switch on both phones.
  5. Select Send data on the old phone.
  6. Select Receive data on the new phone.
  7. Then select Wireless on both phones.

How does the Smart Switch work? ›

Smart Switch uses high frequency audio to establish a connection between the two devices. This audio is played out of the speaker of the old device into the microphone of the new device. Make sure that both the microphone and speakers are not covered and that you are in a quiet area.

What cannot be transferred using a Smart Switch? ›

Items that cannot be backed up with Smart Switch

Contacts: Contacts saved on the SIM card, social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), Google accounts, and work email accounts are excluded.

Will a Smart Switch transfer everything? ›

Yes it absolutely transfers everything. Connect both phone via usb type c to each other. Open smart switch on both phones and follow the instructions.

Do I put my SIM card in a new phone before transferring data on Samsung? ›

Regardless of the device you're switching from, don't switch your SIM card until the entire transfer is complete. Before you get started, you'll also want to make sure both your old device and new device have at least 20% battery life.

How do I transfer my phone using Smart Switch? ›

Simply connect the two phones together using the USB-C connector that came in the box with your new phone then select 'Backup' in the Smart Switch program interface, and then 'Allow' on your phone to start the transfer process.

What are the cons of smart switches? ›

Because smart switches are connected via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, they can sometimes suffer from signal interference or become disconnected if the connection is disrupted.

When should I use Smart Switch? ›

Smart Switch can be used to transfer between tablets, between smartphones, and between a tablet and a smartphone. Please note: To use Smart Switch, your phone must run Android 4.3 or iOS 4.2. 1 or later. You can transfer your data from both Android and iOS devices over Wi-Fi, with a USB cable or with a PC or Mac.

Does Smart Switch delete data from old phone? ›

I have a new Samsung and I would like to transfer my data from my old Galaxy to the new phone. But: without deleting the data on the old phone. If I use Smart Switch, will the data be removed from the old form during the transfer? No the data will still be on the old phone unless you delete it.

Does Smart Switch transfer pictures? ›

Part 4: Better Alternative for Phone Switching

It can directly transfer all kinds of data from one phone to another instantly. It supports 6000+ devices and does not matter if the target device is a Samsung or not. You can move your files between Android and Android, iPhone and iPhone, and even Android and iPhone.

Will Smart Switch transfer passwords? ›

Q: Does Smart Switch transfer passwords? A: Yes! Smart Switch is designed to transfer all your info, including passwords, from one device to another. You don't need to remember or enter any of your passwords again—Smart Switch does it for you.

How can I transfer all my stuff from one phone to another? ›

  1. Connect both devices wirelessly. Turn on your new Android phone and follow the on-screen prompts. ...
  2. Select your data. Follow the on-screen instructions to choose what comes with you — contacts, photos, videos and calendar events. ...
  3. Transfer. That's it.

Why are my apps grey after Smart Switch? ›

Even after Smart Switch is terminated, installation continues in the background. Check if the app is being installed in notifications. If you are not installing it, run Smart Switch again and restart the device before checking. If there is a grey icon left continuously, please delete the Smart Switch app and restart.

Will Smart Switch clone my phone? ›

Smart switch phone clone app allows you to transfer the contacts, photos,music and other documents. Smart switch data transfer app copies the data from one device to another .

How do I transfer everything from my old phone to my new phone Samsung? ›

When you're ready, place the two phones close to each other.
  1. Open Settings and select Accounts and backup.
  2. Select Bring data from old device.
  3. Tap Receive data on your new phone and tap Send data on your old phone.
  4. Check the OS of your old phone and choose the appropriate source.
  5. Select Wireless.
Feb 22, 2024

How do I transfer everything from my old phone to my new phone? ›

  1. Connect both devices wirelessly. Turn on your new Android phone and follow the on-screen prompts. ...
  2. Select your data. Follow the on-screen instructions to choose what comes with you — contacts, photos, videos and calendar events. ...
  3. Transfer. That's it.

Does the Samsung Smart Switch delete data from a new phone? ›

A 100% none of your data will be deleted. Unless you physically delete it yourself. All it does is copy it to your new device. Whatsapp-chats do not transfer with Smart Switch.

Does Smart Switch transfer from SD card to new phone? ›

And if you're worried about ever having to transfer your SD card files, you'll be happy to know that external storage devices work in conjunction with Smart Switch. You can create a backup of your pictures, videos, or documents that will be easily transferrable to a new phone or device.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.