What Happens To My Smart Home If The Internet Goes Down (2024)

Your internet goes down, and you have a smart home automation system set up–what could be worse? Will it affect your security, your lighting, and even your entertainment? The short answer is yes. Smart home automation relies almost entirely on the internet to deliver its services and features, affecting some basic features during power outages or internet service disruptions.

These days, the internet plays a vital and integral role in people’s lives. It’s no longer used just for browsing or checking emails but for almost everything. Communication, shopping, managing finances, and controlling home automation systems are all dependent on having an internet connection.

However, does this mean that you should avoid smart home technology altogether? Not necessarily. Remember, you’re only temporarily missing a few features, but it doesn’t significantly affect how your appliances, switches and door locks work. Keep reading to learn more about what happens to your smart home if the internet goes down.

The Truth About Smart Homes

A smart home automation system is reliable insofar as the internet connection is reliable. A wireless internet connection is the heart of any smart home setup, and it needs to be reliable and secure.

However, as mentioned earlier, a smart home isn’t considered completely useless when the internet connection is down. In most cases, smart devices will continue to work. However, you won’t be able to control them or access any features that require an internet connection.

List of Smart Home Appliances Work Even Without Internet

Home automation is supposed to make lives easier. Despite the “common fear” of internet outages, there are still plenty of smart devices and appliances that work even without an internet connection. Here’s a list of the most common ones:

1). Smart Lights

With smart lights, you can get used to control the brightness and dimness of your lights with a single tap on your phone. When the internet is down, you can easily switch your lights on and off with a physical switch. This means that you won’t have to fumble in the dark when looking for a flashlight.

2). Thermostat

Thermostats are commonly known as “smart” home devices, but they can actually be operated manually without an internet connection. You can adjust the temperature of your home with the help of a physical dial or switch.

3). Smart Locks

Keeping your home secure even when the internet is down is an understandable non-negotiable for many people. The good news is that you don’t have to worry about this. Most smart locks can be operated manually with a physical key or code, making sure that your home remains secure during an internet outage.

This means that you won’t be locked in (or out) of your home if the power or internet connection goes out. You just won’t have the convenience of using your phone as your “key.”

What Happens To My Smart Home If The Internet Goes Down (1)

Things You Should Do To Prepare For an Internet Outage

No one likes the thought of their smart home system failing, so it’s important to prepare in advance. Here are a few things that you can do to minimise the impact of an internet outage:

1). Get a Backup Generator

A backup generator is essential for any home especially if you have connected devices and appliances. This will ensure that you have a reliable power source, even if the internet goes down.

2). Set Up Local Networking

If you want to be able to control your smart home devices when the internet is down, it’s essential to set up a local networking system. This will allow you to create your own wireless network and access all of your connected devices without relying on an external internet connection.

If you’re not familiar with how this works, you can avoid the hassle altogether by making sure that you let the professionals do this. This includes setting it up from the get-go.

3). Be Prepared With a Backup Plan

If you have smart home devices that rely on an internet connection, then it’s always a good idea to have a backup plan in place. This includes having access to traditional appliances and tools such as manual locks, flashlights, regular light switches, etc.

Final Thoughts

Generally speaking, your smart home will continue to function despite the lack of an internet connection. It’s just that there are some features that will be temporarily unavailable to you, which means that some appliances need to be manually controlled.

Other than that, a few simple preparations such as setting up a local networking system and having a backup plan can go a long way towards making sure that your home remains safe, reliable, and secure. You have to know what will work and what won’t just in case an internet outage occurs.

Contact Advanced Living Solutions Today!

To help you set up your smart home automation system, or if you have further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at Advanced Living Solutions. We are here to help. Speak with one of our trained professionals today and get started on creating a secure and efficient smart home.

To get started on your smart home journey, Advanced Living Solutions is your one-stop shop for everything home automation. Please call us today at (03) 9212 7999 or leave an enquiry to learn more!

What Happens To My Smart Home If The Internet Goes Down (2024)


What Happens To My Smart Home If The Internet Goes Down? ›

The Truth About Smart Homes

Can smart home devices work without internet? ›

To sum up, most smart home devices need an active internet connection to provide you with the best possible experience. However, there are some exceptions - such as smart devices with motion and sensor features - that can be controlled without Wi-Fi.

What happens to a smart home when the power goes out? ›

During a power outage, what will happen to your smart home system? Any routines that required the internet or involves non-battery devices will not work. Local routines will work if you have a hub that processes data locally and has a backup battery.

Will Alexa work if my internet is down? ›

Why Alexa Does Not Work Without Wi-Fi. Amazon's Alexa is a device that strictly revolves around Wi-Fi to access everything from Google to various music-streaming services. Without Wi-Fi it is simply impossible to connect to these applications and features.

What happens to a smart lock if the Wi-Fi is down? ›

Many smart locks without Wi-Fi can work with other communication protocols such as Bluetooth, Z-Wave, or Zigbee. So if your Wi-Fi is disconnected, you can still use your lock.

How do I use a smart switch without internet? ›

If you find yourself in that situation, you can use your smart switch without the internet by pressing the button on your hub. The button on the hub will turn on or off your electrical devices. You can also use your computer to navigate to the IP address of your smart switch and then control your devices from there.

Do smart switches work without Wi-Fi? ›

Smart light switches will still work without Wi-Fi, but their advanced features won't be available. You'll only be able to switch the lights on and off, as with a regular light switch. However, with Wi-Fi, you can access a range of features such as scheduling, dimming, and voice control.

Does smart home increase property value? ›

Increased Market Appeal: Homes equipped with smart technology features such as heated floors, automated lighting systems, and advanced security systems are more attractive to potential buyers. This appeal can lead to a faster sale and can potentially increase the selling price.

What happens to electronics when the power goes out? ›

The damage to appliances and electronics doesn't normally occur when the power goes out, rather it's when it comes back on that the network voltage may be higher or lower than the ideal amount. If the voltage is too high it's called a surge, and the mini blast can definitely damage equipment and appliances.

Does smart home use more electricity? ›

Smart home devices like thermostats and appliances are highly efficient because they can automatically adjust to changing energy needs. Plus, they can detect inefficiencies so electricity, water and gas waste can be minimized. Your energy consumption can be reduced exponentially when smart devices run your home.

How to reconnect Alexa after internet outage? ›

Restart your Alexa-enabled device

Sometimes, a simple restart is all you need to get your Alexa device back online. Just unplug your device or the power adapter from the outlet, wait about 10 seconds, then plug it back in and connect to Wi-Fi. If it works, your problem is solved.

Will Alexa reconnect after a power outage? ›

A: They restore themselves. The only issue I've had is when our internet connection drops, sometimes I have to power cycle them to get them to become active in the app again.

How do I get Alexa to work after a power cut? ›

Restart Your Alexa Enabled Device
  1. Unplug your device or the power adapter from the power outlet. Then plug it back in.
  2. For devices with removable batteries, remove and reinsert the batteries to restart the device.

What happens to electric locks when power goes out? ›

Fail-secure locks work the other way around: as long as they are not powered, they are active, and when unlocked, the power is turned on, and you can open the door. The need for power is more obvious here: without electricity flowing to the locks, you can't actually open them.

What are the weaknesses of smart lock? ›

The major drawback of the smart fingerprint door lock is hacking or a breach of privacy. Even though they make lockpicking less likely, hackers may nevertheless manage to get past the barrier and enter your home. They can target the lax digital security mechanisms on the lock to break into your network.

Are smart locks a security risk? ›

You might be wondering whether smart locks that connect to the internet are susceptible to hacking. The answer is yes.

What happens when power goes out with a smart thermostat? ›

The Nest comes with a battery backup, which it switches to once the power goes out. This battery backup is a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Once the Nest switches over to its battery backup, it will have enough battery power to last just a couple of hours. Then, it will completely shut down.

Do home phones work when the power is out? ›

This question could be answered in two ways. If you have a “corded” phone, then yes your landline telephone will work during a power outage. If you have a “cordless” phone, then it will not work, because a cordless phone requires electricity to transfer the signal from the base to the handset.

What are the limitations of energy smart homes? ›

The limitations of smart home applications mentioned in the paper include costs, uncertainty about advantages, privacy problems, IT security problems, technological risk, and the inability of devices from different manufacturers to communicate with each other.

Does a smart plug notify power outage? ›

Remember that such a plug can only alert you if the plug itself is receiving mains power. Unplugging a cord, or turning the device on or off will be reported. But if there is a power outage, a main breaker trips, or a GFCI detects a fault, then you won't get an indication. I think this is a safety/liability issue.

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.