Type 093B and Type 054B: 18-Unit Vertical Launch System and Sea Trials (2024)

Recently, besides the Fujian carrier completing its second round of sea trials and the Type 076 amphibious assault ship’s catapult, a model of the Type 093B nuclear submarine with an 18-unit underwater heavy vertical launch system and a displacement of 6200 tons has been unveiled. At the same time, the Type 054B frigate has also begun its sea trials.

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According to netizens’ posts, we have seen a model of a new Chinese submarine. The base of the model is labeled “CSSC China State Shipbuilding Corporation,” indicating its origin. The nameplate states it is a “new type of nuclear submarine model,” and based on the vertical launch units on its back, it is likely the Chinese Type 093B attack nuclear submarine. Generally, the production of such a detailed official model implies that the ship has already formed a certain combat capability.

From the model’s appearance, the submarine features a teardrop-shaped design. Aside from a slight hump on the back, the overall shape is smooth and streamlined. The bow has an integrated sonar base station and uses China’s distinctive conning tower rudder integrated optical mast. The stern clearly shows the ducted pump-jet propulsion system, which, combined with the streamlined shape, looks very aesthetically pleasing. According to the nameplate, the nuclear submarine is 126 meters long, 11 meters wide, with a submerged speed of 30 knots, a displacement of 6200 tons, and a missile range of 2500 kilometers.

It’s evident that the Type 093B’s speed, facilitated by pump-jet propulsion, is very fast, reaching 30 knots like the Type 055 destroyer. This speed is a basic requirement for keeping up with carrier strike groups. In the future, 30 knots will be the minimum speed standard for China’s blue-water ships, otherwise, they would not qualify to join carrier formations. Of course, the middle part’s underwater vertical launch units are of most concern to everyone.

Judging by the range, there are not many anti-ship weapons with a 2500-kilometer range. The YJ-12A has a range of 500 kilometers, and the YJ-16 has 600 kilometers, so the Type 093B is likely equipped with the latest submarine-launched version of the YJ-21. The vertical launch system seems to use the 850 large tubes, which is why there is a slight hump, but this does not significantly impact its shape. Regarding the specific number of vertical launch units, there are two different claims: one says an 18-unit arrangement in a 6×3 layout, and the other says a 24-unit arrangement in an 8×3 layout. Both claims adhere to a 3-row vertical launch system.

Even if there are just 18 vertical launch units, a salvo of 2500-kilometer YJ-21 missiles would be enough to pose a significant threat to an adversary. This is not comparable to the drones and certain missiles used by the Houthis. Even if a U.S. aircraft carrier stays outside the 2000-kilometer range of carrier-based aircraft, it would not be safe, especially since it would not know where a submarine like the Type 093B, capable of long-term lurking, is hiding.

Additionally, there has been a lucky encounter at sea with the Type 054B frigate recently. From the pictures, it is clear that the shipowner was very excited after encountering the Chinese Navy, and during the radio communication, he was reminded to maintain a safe distance. He probably did not know that the vessel in the same frame was the lead ship of the Type 054B, currently undergoing sea trials and not yet commissioned.

From its appearance, the Type 054B looks much better during sea trials than it did during outfitting. Some friends even think it has a European frigate feel, probably due to the phased array radar on the main mast and the integrated mast on the secondary mast, which are somewhat similar to Western warships. However, the 100mm “sliced bun” main gun on the bow makes it easily recognizable.

This Type 054B sea trial was conducted very discreetly. If it weren’t for this shipowner’s chance encounter at sea, no one might have known about the quiet sea trials of the Type 054B. Considering that the Type 054B was still outfitting at the dock not long ago, this speed is indeed impressive. However, the Type 054B, as a new type of high-speed diesel-powered ship, seems to have a lot of experimental and testing elements. Given its limited production numbers, it might be difficult to become the mainstay like the Type 054A. Many of its test data and design experiences might be incorporated into the next-generation Type 057/058 series destroyers and frigates.

Type 093B and Type 054B: 18-Unit Vertical Launch System and Sea Trials (2024)
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