Smackdown Grades Bleacher (2024)

If you’re a wrestling aficionado, you know the adrenaline rush that comes with watching WWE SmackDown. It's not just a show; it's an experience that keeps fans on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting the next move, the next showdown. But have you ever wondered how your favorite wrestling matches are graded? That's where Bleacher Report steps in. In this article, we delve into the world of SmackDown grades from Bleacher Report, dissecting the highs, lows, and everything in between.

Understanding SmackDown Grades

What Are SmackDown Grades?

When it comes to wrestling analysis, Bleacher Report is one of the most trusted sources. Their SmackDown grades are comprehensive evaluations of each episode, segment, and match featured on the show. These grades provide insight into the overall quality of the program, highlighting standout performances, creative storytelling, and areas for improvement.

The Grading Criteria

Bleacher Report employs a meticulous grading system that takes various factors into account. From in-ring action to character development, storytelling to crowd engagement, every aspect of SmackDown is scrutinized. This holistic approach ensures that the final grade reflects the overall entertainment value of the show.

Who Determines the Grades?

Bleacher Report's team of wrestling experts, comprising seasoned journalists and former wrestlers, is responsible for assigning the SmackDown grades. Their collective expertise and passion for the sport enable them to offer insightful analysis and fair assessments week after week.

Breaking Down the Grades

In-Ring Action

One of the key aspects evaluated in SmackDown grades is the quality of in-ring action. From technical prowess to high-flying maneuvers, every match is scrutinized for its entertainment value and execution. Matches that deliver captivating sequences and compelling storytelling often receive higher grades.

Storyline Progression

A compelling storyline is the backbone of any wrestling show, and SmackDown is no exception. Bleacher Report assesses the progression of ongoing storylines, evaluating the coherence, creativity, and impact of each narrative arc. Well-executed storylines that keep viewers invested typically receive favorable grades.

Character Development

Wrestling is as much about characters as it is about athleticism, and character development plays a crucial role in shaping compelling narratives. Bleacher Report evaluates the evolution of characters on SmackDown, analyzing character depth, consistency, and audience connection. Strong character development often translates to higher grades.

Promo Skills

Promos are the lifeblood of wrestling, serving as platforms for wrestlers to showcase their mic skills and build anticipation for upcoming matches. Bleacher Report critiques the quality of promos on SmackDown, assessing delivery, content, and crowd reaction. Memorable promos that resonate with the audience are rewarded with favorable grades.

The Impact of SmackDown Grades

Recognition for Excellence

Receiving a high grade from Bleacher Report is not just a pat on the back; it's a recognition of excellence. Wrestlers and creative teams strive to deliver their best performances in hopes of earning favorable reviews from critics and fans alike.

Feedback for Improvement

On the flip side, lower grades serve as constructive feedback for wrestlers and creative teams. They highlight areas that need improvement and encourage individuals to strive for better performances in the future. This feedback loop fosters continuous growth and innovation within the wrestling industry.

Fan Engagement

Bleacher Report's SmackDown grades also serve as a catalyst for fan engagement and discussion. Fans eagerly await the release of grades after each episode, sparking debates and conversations on social media platforms. This lively discourse further enhances the overall wrestling experience.


In conclusion, Bleacher Report's SmackDown grades offer valuable insights into the world of professional wrestling. By evaluating various aspects of the show, from in-ring action to storyline progression, these grades provide a comprehensive assessment of each episode. Whether celebrating standout performances or offering constructive criticism, Bleacher Report plays a vital role in shaping the narrative of WWE SmackDown.


1. How often are SmackDown grades released by Bleacher Report? Bleacher Report typically releases SmackDown grades shortly after each episode airs, allowing fans to stay updated on the latest evaluations.

2. Do wrestlers and WWE officials take Bleacher Report's grades seriously? While opinions may vary, Bleacher Report's grades are respected within the wrestling community and are often used as a barometer for performance evaluation.

3. Can fans contribute to SmackDown grades on Bleacher Report? While Bleacher Report's grades are primarily determined by their team of wrestling experts, fans can share their opinions and engage in discussions through comments and social media platforms.

4. Has Bleacher Report ever revised its grades based on fan feedback? While rare, Bleacher Report has been known to consider fan feedback and adjust grades accordingly in certain cases.

5. How do Bleacher Report's SmackDown grades compare to other wrestling analysis platforms? While there may be differences in opinion among various wrestling analysis platforms, Bleacher Report's SmackDown grades are respected for their comprehensive evaluation and insightful analysis.

Smackdown Grades Bleacher (2024)
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