Quarts to Liters Converter (qt to l) (2024)

Convert Liters to Quarts (l to qt)▶

Conversion Table

quarts to liters
1 qt 0.9464 l
2 qt 1.8927 l
3 qt 2.8391 l
4 qt 3.7854 l
5 qt 4.7318 l
6 qt 5.6781 l
7 qt 6.6245 l
8 qt 7.5708 l
9 qt 8.5172 l
10 qt 9.4635 l
11 qt 10.4099 l
12 qt 11.3562 l
13 qt 12.3026 l
14 qt 13.2489 l
15 qt 14.1953 l
16 qt 15.1416 l
17 qt 16.088 l
18 qt 17.0344 l
19 qt 17.9807 l
20 qt 18.9271 l

How to convert

1 quart (qt) = 0.946353 liter (l). Quart (qt) is a unit of Volume used in Standard system. Liter (l) is a unit of Volume used in Metric system.

Quarts: A Unit of Volume

Quarts are a unit of volume that are used to measure liquids, such as water, milk, oil, wine, etc. They are also used to measure some dry goods, such as grains, fruits, nuts, etc. They are different from cups, which are a smaller unit of volume. Quarts are also different from gallons, which are a larger unit of volume. Quarts are also different from barrel of oil equivalent (BOE), which is a unit of energy based on the approximate energy released by burning one barrel of crude oil.

How to Convert Quarts

To convert quarts to other units of volume, one can use the following formulas:

  • To convert liquid quarts to liters: multiply by 0.946

  • To convert liquid quarts to fluid ounces: multiply by 32

  • To convert liquid quarts to cups: multiply by 4

  • To convert liquid quarts to gallons (US): multiply by 0.25

  • To convert liquid quarts to gallons (UK): multiply by 0.208

  • To convert liquid quarts to BOE: divide by 6

  • To convert dry quarts to liters: multiply by 1.101

  • To convert dry quarts to cubic inches: multiply by 37.24

  • To convert dry quarts to tablespoons: multiply by 67.2

  • To convert dry quarts to gallons (US): multiply by 0.25

  • To convert dry quarts to gallons (UK): multiply by 0.227

  • To convert dry quarts to BOE: divide by 5.5

  • To convert imperial quarts to liters: multiply by 1.136

  • To convert imperial quarts to fluid ounces: multiply by 40

  • To convert imperial quarts to cups: multiply by 4

  • To convert imperial quarts to gallons (US): multiply by 0.3

  • To convert imperial quarts to gallons (UK): multiply by 0.25

  • To convert imperial quarts to BOE: divide by 5

The US liquid quart equals to 0.946352946 liters.

Liters - A Unit of Volume

A liter (international spelling) or liter (American English spelling) (SI symbols L and l) is a unit of volume that is used in the metric system. It is defined as the volume of a cube with sides of 10 centimeters (0.1 meter) in length.

One liter is equal to 1000 cubic centimeters, 0.001 cubic meters, or 1 cubic decimeter.

How to Convert Liters

To convert liters to other units of volume, you need to multiply or divide by the appropriate conversion factor. Here are some common conversion factors and examples:

  • To convert liters to cubic centimeters, multiply by 1000.
    • Example: 2 L x 1000 = 2000 cm3
  • To convert liters to cubic meters, multiply by 0.001.
    • Example: 2 L x 0.001 = 0.002 m3
  • To convert liters to cubic decimeters, multiply by 1.
    • Example: 2 L x 1 = 2 dm3
  • To convert liters to gallons (US liquid), multiply by 0.264.
    • Example: 2 L x 0.264 = 0.528 gal
  • To convert liters to bushels (US), multiply by 0.037.
    • Example: 2 L x 0.037 = 0.074 bu
  • To convert liters to barrels (oil), multiply by 0.0063.
    • Example: 2 L x 0.0063 = 0.0126 bbl

To convert other units of volume to liters, you need to divide by the appropriate conversion factor. Here are some common conversion factors and examples:

  • To convert cubic centimeters to liters, divide by 1000.
    • Example: 2000 cm3 / 1000 = 2 L
  • To convert cubic meters to liters, divide by 0.001.
    • Example: 0.002 m3 / 0.001 = 2 L
  • To convert cubic decimeters to liters, divide by 1.
    • Example: 2 dm3 / 1 = 2 L
  • To convert gallons (US liquid) to liters, divide by 0.264.
    • Example: 0.528 gal / 0.264 = 2 L
  • To convert bushels (US) to liters, divide by 0.037.
    • Example: 0.074 bu / 0.037 = 2 L
  • To convert barrels (oil) to liters, divide by 0.0063.
    • Example: 0.0126 bbl / 0.0063 = 2 L


Quarts to Liters Converter (qt to l) (2024)
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