How to Clean a Phone Case, Phone Case Cleaning Guide (2024)

Did you know that studies have shown that cell phones might be dirtier than toilet seats? Yeah, pretty crazy, right? Well, it shouldn't surprise us, considering we carry them with us all day. They accompany us through all the public places we visit, picking up more than we realise. For example, you can place it on a grocery store counter or a friend's coffee table – surfaces touched by countless others. Even if these places look clean, they might be carrying hidden bacteria. In this guide, we'll walk you through simple steps to effectively clean your phone case and help keep those unwanted and unseen bacteria at bay.

Quick Links

  • Phone case cleaning essentials
  • Step-by-step phone case cleaning process
  • What phone case materials are sensitive to alcohol?
  • How often should you clean your phone case?
  • Match your phone with an eco-friendly phone case

Phone case cleaning essentials

When it comes to keeping your phone case clean and germ-free, having the right cleaning materials is crucial. Here's a simple list of things you'll need to make sure your phone case stays both stylish and hygienic - without any risk of ruining it.

Mild soap or dish detergent

Choose a gentle soap or dish detergent to clean your phone case as these mild cleaners can get rid of dirt without harming the case material. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that might damage your case.


Water plays a key role in cleaning. It's best to use lukewarm water to make a soapy mix, making it easier to get rid of dirt and clean your phone case well. When rinsing the case under running water, ensure you conserve water by turning it off when not in use.

How to Clean a Phone Case, Phone Case Cleaning Guide (1)

A soft-bristle toothbrush or cleaning brush

You can use a soft-bristle toothbrush or a dedicated cleaning brush for more detailed and precise cleaning. These tools allow you to reach into the nooks and crannies of your phone case, ensuring that all areas, including textured surfaces, are free from debris. The soft bristles prevent scratches and damage to the case.

A microfiber cloth

A microfiber cloth is ideal for drying your phone case after cleaning. This soft and absorbent cloth prevents scratches, efficiently soaks up moisture and ensures that your phone case is thoroughly dry before being reattached to your device, minimising the risk of water-related damage.

Isopropyl alcohol (optional)

Using isopropyl alcohol can give your phone case an extra clean boost. Just wet a cloth with the alcohol and wipe down the case to get rid of germs and bacteria. Be careful not to use too much, especially if your case is made of delicate materials, as it could possibly cause damage.

Step-by-step phone case cleaning process

Now, let's proceed with the step-by-step phone case cleaning process.

How to Clean a Phone Case, Phone Case Cleaning Guide (2)

How to Clean a Phone Case, Phone Case Cleaning Guide (3)

Step 1: Remove the phone case

Gently remove your phone case from your device to ensure a thorough cleaning.

Step 2: Shake off loose debris

Hold the case upside down and give it a good shake to remove any loose dirt or debris. Let gravity do its thing!

Step 3: Soap and water

Now, get ready to create a gentle bubble bath for your case. Mix a small amount of mild soap or dish detergent with lukewarm water. Dip a soft cloth into the soapy water and gently scrub the entire surface of the phone case.

Step 4: Scrub crevices with a toothbrush

For hard-to-reach areas or textured cases, use a soft-bristle toothbrush or a cleaning brush to scrub crevices and corners. Be gentle to avoid scratching the case.

Step 5: Rinse your phone case thoroughly

Under the tap it goes! Rinse the phone case under running water to remove any soap residue. Ensure all soap is washed away, especially in those sneaky corners and edges.

Step 6: Dry completely

Pat the case dry with a clean, dry microfiber cloth. Ensure it is completely dry before placing it back on your phone. Even better, allow the phone case to air dry completely before putting it back on your device. This will prevent any moisture from getting trapped inside.

Step 7 (optional): Disinfect with isopropyl alcohol

If you want to add an extra layer of cleanliness, dampen a cloth with isopropyl alcohol and wipe down the phone case. Make sure not to use excessive alcohol, as it may damage certain materials.

How to Clean a Phone Case, Phone Case Cleaning Guide (4)

What phone case materials are sensitive to alcohol?

While alcohol is generally safe for cleaning many phone case materials, it's important to be cautious with certain types, as alcohol can potentially damage or degrade them over time. Here are some case materials that may be sensitive to alcohol.

  • Leather - alcohol can strip away the natural oils in leather, leading to dryness and potential discolouration. It's advisable to use a leather-specific cleaner for leather phone cases.
  • Wood - wood finishes may be susceptible to damage from alcohol. Instead, use a mild, damp cloth to clean wooden cases. Avoid excessive moisture, as it can cause swelling or warping.
  • Painted or printed surfaces - alcohol may affect the paint or printed designs in some cases. It's best to check the manufacturer's guidelines for cleaning and maintenance for printed phone cases to avoid any potential damage.

  • Fabric or textile - some fabric or textile cases may not fare well with alcohol. Consider using a mild detergent or fabric cleaner for these cases to prevent discolouration or damage.
  • Rubberised coatings - cases with rubberised coatings may be sensitive to alcohol, which could compromise the texture or finish. Opt for a mild soap and water solution instead.

How often should you clean your phone case?

How often you clean your phone case depends on how much you use it and where you take it. If you use it a lot, giving it a quick clean every two weeks is a good idea to get rid of dirt and germs. If you use it even more or take it to messy places, like construction sites, consider cleaning it every week. For a really deep clean, spend some time on it once a month, especially if your case has tricky spots to clean. And, of course, if your case gets super dirty or encounters something yucky, clean it right away. Just keep an eye on how your case looks and feels, and clean it when it needs it.

Match your phone with an eco-friendly phone case

Now that you've mastered the art of cleaning your phone case, why not pair your phone with a stylish and protective phone case from our collection?

iPhone 15 Cases
iPhone 14 Cases
iPhone 13 Cases
iPhone 12 Cases
iPhone 11 Cases

Our eco-friendly phone cases are made from plants like flax and hemp, grown right here in Sweden. No harmful chemicals, just plants. And guess what? Once you're done with it, you can recycle the whole thing! And it's not just about recycling once. When you're ready to part with your phone case, send it back to us. We'll do this awesome thing called agood loop™, where we recycle it and use the materials to make brand new cases. You get a discount for being eco-friendly, and we keep the cycle going. Even the packaging is eco-friendly, wrapped up in stone paper that can be recycled too. And don't forget to pair it up with our triple-tempered glass screen protector for top-notch protection that's crystal clear!

How to Clean a Phone Case, Phone Case Cleaning Guide (2024)
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