How Do Smart Bulbs Work with Switches (Regular or Smart)? (2024)

Curious about smart home technology, but not sure where to begin? Smart light bulbs effortlessly add magic to your home. With millions of colors, dimming capabilities, and the ability to sync to your TV or music, these bulbs change your home’s ambience and function as fast as you can screw them in.

And the fun doesn’t stop there: direct connect smart bulbs connect easily to the Cync App right out of the box. You’ll be able to set lighting schedules and scenes, as well as unlock voice and out-of-home control using Google Home or Amazon Alexa. No hub, no bridge, no problem. Essentially, smart bulbs make it so that your whole house can operate at the sound of your speech — or through the app.

Both regular switches and smart switches work with smart bulbs, but which switch is best? What are their differences? Let’s find out.

Smart switches pair seamlessly with your smart bulb through the Cync App, powered by Savant. No electrician required!

Regular switches, on the other hand, require a little more attention and are the more cut-and-dry option.

How Does a Regular Switch Differ From a Smart Switch? 

As you know, a regular switch is hard wired and must be flipped ‘on’ to power any type of light. It relies solely on electricity to work.

A smart switch makes turning on a light bulb even easier. This is because it can be controlled from more than one source — through electric power or through the Cync smart home App. Smart switches also have the power to make any normal light bulbs smart.

How Do Smart Bulbs Work With Regular Switches? 

You can only change the light’s colors, access the dimming features, or use voice control when your regular switch is physically flipped ‘on.’ If your regular switch is turned ‘off,’ no electricity is flowing to the bulb, so it will not fully function.

While you can easily connect and manage your smart light bulbs with a flip of a regular light switch, you may find a more brilliant experience with a smart switch.

How Do Smart Bulbs Work With Smart Switches?

Smart switches can control smart bulbs while they are on another circuit. So, for example, your bedroom light switch can control your living room lamp — even if the lamp isn’t typically controlled by the switch. This eliminates the issue of someone accidentally turning the light switch off and cutting the smart control of the smart bulb. The smart switch keeps the smart bulb powered on, so you can continue to control it in the app.

What Are the Benefits of Smart Switches? 

Smart switches still work even if they are physically switched ‘off.’ Since they are not hard wired, you don’t have to physically turn the smart switch on and off, and it can be controlled from anywhere. Meaning, if you are out and about, you can power your lights on and off using the Cync App.

So, these intelligent switches save more energy (and allow for more interconnectivity) than your traditional on/off click-click switches.

Do I Need a Smart Switch for a Smart Bulb? 

No. While you do not need a smart switch for a smart bulb, having one helps with interconnectivity throughout your household. Because even if you are using traditional or non-smart bulbs,the smart switch has the power to make any product smart.

Let’s just put it this way: by connecting your smart bulbs, smart switches, and smart plugs, not only can you adjust each room’s lighting, but you can control your ceiling fan, space heater, TV, and tunes — all without leaving your bed. With smart switches, your days start and end bright.

The smart plug allows you to control traditionally electric-powered devices with your voice through the Cync App, Amazon Alexa, or Google Assistant.

With options for either an Indoor Smart Plug or an Outdoor Smart Plug, the possibilities of connectivity are endless. The Indoor Smart Plug is perfect for those times you forget to power off your space heater before leaving the house. And once you’re out and about, the Outdoor Smart Plug allows you to turn on your garden’s string lights for a grand entrance back home. While you’re at home, you can connect the smart plug with a smart remote to easily power your products on and off.

Smart Bulb or Smart Switch, Which is the Best Option? 

While smart bulbs and smart switches both bring their own unique benefits, determining which is best for you comes down to space, scale, and budget.

What type of space are you looking to illuminate? If a particular area of your home could use a vibrancy check, smart bulbs might be your go-to. Smart bulbs give you the ability to play with color, with millions of colors to choose from.

What is the size of this room? If it’s vast, the smart switch might be the best option for you. You can connect your traditional lighting to one single smart switch for harmonious function in your space.

Budget is also a factor. Smart switches allow you to make any of your existing light bulbs and fixtures smart. So, if you want to keep your current light bulbs and have them work together, the smart switch is your new best friend.

Both smart bulbs and smart switches present some perks for convenience, too. The peel-and-stick smart switch can go anywhere in your home to control your smart bulbs. Under the cabinet. In the closet. On the fridge. Anywhere. It can be as discreet or as “Hey, look at me!” as you want it to be. On the other hand, smart bulbs are the quickest, easiest way to get instant smart benefits. If you are new to the wonderful world of smart home technology, smart bulbs might be your best choice.

At the end of the day, it’s nice to shut off the lights with ease. And both will help you get to sweet dreams faster.

Do Smart Bulbs Work With Three-Way Switches?

Yes, and it is even simpler than you think! You can connect two Cync Smart Switches to be controlled in the Cync App. Then, you can create your three-way switch setup switch without hard wiring it.

Enjoy Your Smart Home.

Whichever way you choose to power up your smart bulbs, you’ll be pleased with the color-changing, convenience-allowing, entertainment-syncing results.

Have a picture you think we’d love? Show off your smart home’s ambience on our Facebook or Instagram pages.

How Do Smart Bulbs Work with Switches (Regular or Smart)? (2024)


How Do Smart Bulbs Work with Switches (Regular or Smart)? ›

And your normal switch must always be on for you to be able to control your smart bulb using an app. Smart bulbs need a constant flow of power to function and respond to you or carry out any automated routines. A normal or dumb switch simply supplies power to your smart bulb just like it would to any regular bulb.

Do smart bulbs work with switches? ›

Do Smart Bulbs Work With Three-Way Switches? Yes, and it is even simpler than you think! You can connect two Cync Smart Switches to be controlled in the Cync App. Then, you can create your three-way switch setup switch without hard wiring it.

Is it better to have smart switches or smart bulbs? ›

Whether you opt for a smart bulb or a smart switch or both, you will experience the best that smart lighting has to offer. Smart switches give you the ability to make any of your existing light bulbs and fixtures smart, while smart bulbs give you the ability to play with color.

Do smart bulbs work in regular lamps? ›

Technically speaking, you can screw in a smart bulb into any socket where it fits and it will work just fine. However, smart bulbs are best suited for fixtures that are not connected to a wall switch, like table or floor lamps.

How does a smart bulb work? ›

Smart lights are Wi-Fi-enabled devices that connect to the internet using wireless networks. Certain smart light bulbs require a dedicated smart hub to connect with wirelessly, with the hub then plugging into an internet router. The hub also acts as a gateway between the smart light and your phone or tablet.

Can I use a smart bulb without Wi-Fi? ›

A: Needs wifi to be voice-operated, but if you want to use it as a standard lightbulb controlled manually with a switch, then no wifi required.

What are the disadvantages of smart light switches? ›

Disadvantages. For users who have installed wired switches, if you want to install a smart switch, you need to disassemble and install it. This is actually not difficult, but you must cut off the power first before installation, and then find the neutral and live wires. usually there are instructions.

What is the difference between a smart switch and a normal switch? ›

The main task of both switches is the same, i.e. switching on-off the device. But the smart switch is enabled with advanced features to allow it to connect to a nearby wireless network and become part of the IoT.

Should you turn smart bulbs off at the switch? ›

Answer: You don't. Ever. So-called "smart" LED bulbs can end up being a joke on their owners—if you happen to turn them off at the switch, they cease being smart at all. A smart bulb must always have power flowing to it to perform its smart functions.

What is the point of a smart light switch? ›

What Are Smart Light Switches? At their core, smart light switches are Wi-Fi-enabled devices that allow for customizable lighting control. Unlike traditional switches, smart switches offer a range of advanced features, such as remote control capabilities, three-way switch support, and built-in motion sensors.

Do smart bulbs still use electricity when off? ›

Unlike traditional lamps that use no power when turned off, smart lamps use power for their communication systems when they are off (or in “network standby” mode). Initial measurements indicate that energy use of smart lamps in standby mode varies from less than 0.25W to over 2.5W per lamp.

Can you control smart bulbs away from home? ›

Indoor smart lighting also helps because lights can be scheduled to come on and off to deter burglars when no one's home. Smart lighting can be controlled remotely through a smartphone or by voice command through a smart speaker.

Do smart bulbs raise electric bill? ›

Do Smart Light Bulbs Use a Lot of Electricity? The short answer is, it depends on the type of smart light bulb you're using and how often it is switched on. LED bulbs typically use less as compared to other incandescent bulbs, which make them a much more efficient choice for lighting up your home or office.

How to tell if a light bulb is smart? ›

While a standard light bulb only operates when you flip a switch or turn a knob, a smart bulb can be programmed to turn on and off by itself. You can even set a schedule for smart light bulbs so that they activate at the same time each day.

Do smart bulbs use Wi-Fi or bluetooth? ›

All of your smart lighting fixtures should be able to communicate with your network and other devices wirelessly. Three automation protocols have become more popular among manufacturers: Bluetooth Smart, Wi-Fi, and ZigBee. This article will tell you how to choose between WiFi smart bulbs and Bluetooth light bulbs.

Do you leave the light switch on for smart bulbs? ›

Unlike smart plugs, smart bulbs work only with light fixtures, and those fixtures need to be turned on at all times. If someone flips the switch, you won't be able to access a smart bulb without an add-on like the Lutron Aurora dimmer, which works with Philips Hue and other Zigbee-certified smart bulbs.

Can you use a smart bulb with a dimmer switch? ›

Yes, the Smart Dimmer Switch can be configured to control smart bulbs or smart switches that Brilliant integrates with. To learn more on how you change your Brilliant Smart Dimmer slider settings to control other Smart Switches and/or Smart Bulbs, click here. See our full list here.

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.