curso ingles - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 9783905812916

    1st edition

    ISBN: 978-3-905812-91-6



    1 | S




    English 1stEp 2

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  • Impressum

    Published by inlingua International Ltd., Bern, SwitzerlandForthe exclusive use of inlingua language centers


    2013 by inlingua International Ltd., Bern, Switzerland

    First published 2013

    Design, Layout and Cartoons by Stmpfli Publications Ltd., Bern,SwitzerlandPrinted and bound by Stmpfli Publications Ltd., Bern,Switzerland


    Item number e1210

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  • Welcome to English 1 Step 2

    Step-by-step to perfect communication

    English 1 Step 2 is part of the English language learningprogrampublished by inlingua International. It has been carefullydesigned foruse with the inlingua language training method.

    The wide range of contemporary topics and practical issues makesthe Course Book challenging and motivating. The attractive,user-friendly layout and progressive language content will help youdevelop thespeaking, listening, reading and writing skills neededto communicateeffectively in today's international environment.

    English 1 Step 2 will take you to the level A2 of theCommonEuropean Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) or USlevel 1 ofthe Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR).

    Overview of inlingua and international levels

    inlingua English Program CEF levels ILR

    5 Step 25 Step 1

    C2 4+4

    4 Step 2 4 Step 1

    C1 3+3

    3 Step 23 Step 1

    B2 2+2

    2 Step 22 Step 1

    B1 1+

    1 Step 21 Step 1



    inlingua Method Spot

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  • Table of Contents

    Unit 16 Polite Conversation 116.1 Using polite phrases16.2Engaging in small talk16.3 Asking for information

    Reading 1 / Listening 3 / Follow-up 4 Language Summary 5 /Talking Point 6

    Unit 19 Having Fun 1919.1 Describing experiences andfeelings19.2 Making comparisons19.3 Talking about extremes

    Reading 19 / Listening 21 / Follow-up 22 Language Summary 23 /Talking Point 24

    Unit 17 Looking Back 717.1 Referring to the past17.2 Discussingthings that happened (1)17.3 Discussing things that happened(2)

    Reading 7 / Listening 9 / Follow-up 10 Language Summary 11 /Talking Point 12

    Unit 20 Arrangements 2520.1 Arranging to meet someone20.2Describing locations in cities20.3 Summing up arrangements

    Reading 25 / Listening 27 / Follow-up 28 Language Summary 29 /Talking Point 30

    Units 1620 Summary 31Grammar Summary 31Vocabulary Summary 33Skills Summary 34

    Unit 18 Technology 1318.1 Describing shapes, sizes andweights18.2 Explain uses and purposes18.3 Understanding basicinstructions

    Reading 13 / Listening 15 / Follow-up 16 Language Summary 17 /Talking Point 18

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  • Table of Contents

    Unit 21 Nature 3521.1 Talking about animals21.2 Referring toparts of the body21.3 Talking about dangerous creatures

    Reading 35 / Listening 37 / Follow-up 38 Language Summary 39 /Talking Point 40

    Unit 24 Visiting 5324.1 Referring to near and distantobjects24.2 Receiving visitors24.3 Giving advice

    Reading 53 / Listening 55 / Follow-up 56 Language Summary 57 /Talking Point 58

    Unit 22 Explanations 4122.1 Discussing the meaning of words22.2Talking about quantities22.3 Talking about large and smallquantities

    Reading 41 / Listening 43 / Follow-up 44 Language Summary 45 /Talking Point 46

    Unit 25 Decisions and Plans 5925.1 Making decisions25.2 Makingplans25.3 Discussing plans

    Reading 59 / Listening 61 / Follow-up 62 Language Summary 63 /Talking Point 64

    Units 2125 Summary 65Grammar Summary 65Vocabulary Summary 67Skills Summary 68

    Unit 23 Work 4723.1 Discussing requirements and abilities23.2Describing actions23.3 Talking about precautions

    Reading 47 / Listening 49 / Follow-up 50 Language Summary 51 /Talking Point 52

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  • Table of Contents

    Unit 26 Connected 6926.1 Writing emails26.2 Understandingwebsites26.3 Making telephone calls

    Reading 69 / Listening 71 / Follow-up 72 Language Summary 73 /Talking Point 74

    Unit 29 Transportation 8729.1 Talking about transportation29.2Describing positions and directions of

    movement29.3 Describing processes

    Reading 87 / Listening 89 / Follow-up 90 Language Summary 91 /Talking Point 92

    Unit 27 Experiences 7527.1 Discussing things you've done (1)27.2Discussing things you've done (2)27.3 Referring to periods oftime

    Reading 75 / Listening 77 / Follow-up 78 Language Summary 79 /Talking Point 80

    Unit 30 Future 9330.1 Making predictions30.2 Giving opinions30.3Talking about education

    Reading 93 / Listening 95 / Follow-up 96 Language Summary 97 /Talking Point 98

    Units 2630 Summary 99Grammar Summary 99Vocabulary Summary 101Skills Summary 102

    Language Practice 103

    Extra Practice 121

    Listening Texts 137

    Solutions 153

    Irregular Verbs 175

    Index 177

    Maps 191

    Unit 28 Preparation 8128.1 Talking about domestic tasks28.2Talking about progress28.3 Talking about travel preparations

    Reading 81 / Listening 83 / Follow-up 84 Language Summary 85 /Talking Point 86

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  • UNIT 16


    16.1 Using polite phrases16.2 Engaging in small talk16.3 Askingfor information

    16.1 Reading

    Excuse me?

    Do you need help?

    Of course. / Sure.

    Sorry! (bumping into someone)

    Sorry? (asking for repetition) /Could you say that again?

    Excuse me.

    Do you speak English?

    Of course. / Sure.

    Is this seat free? Is it OK if I sit here?

    ank you very much. / anks.You're welcome.

    A little.



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  • 16.3 Reading

    I always take the train to work. At the stati on, I go to the ticket machine to buy my train ti cket. It's easy. I select my destinati on, insert the money and then I take my ti cket. On the ticket, you can see the seat number.

    There are also ti cket o ces where you can buy your ti cket. Iavoid them at rush hour because there is always a line up.

    Aft er that, I look at the departure screen for the tracknumber. I can also see if my train is delayed or on ti me.

    While I'm waiti ng for the train, I someti mes buy a crosswordat the kiosk.

    At the moment, I'm reading the newspaper on the train. Thishelps me pass the ti me.

    16.2 Reading

    Julia is spending some time in Vancouver with her sister Janet.She is sending an email to her friend back home to tell her allabout her vacation.





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    From: [emailprotected]:[emailprotected]: Vacation in Vancouver


    Hi Pam,Greetings from Vancouver. How are you? I hope you'rewell. We are enjoying the good weather. Here, the sun is shining.At the moment, we are having a drink at a cafe. I usually ask for acup of coffee, but today I'm drinking ginger ale. Janet doesn'tlike coffee. She never drinks coffee. She's having apple juice.Mark is at home preparing lunch. It's his turn to cook. He'spreparing some salad and hamburgers for our barbecue. I can't waitto see Vancouver's Convention Center. It has six acres of grassgrowing on the roof, and from its windows you can see Stanley Parkand the North Shore Mountains in one direction and downtownVancouver in the other. How fantastic!Well, it's time to go. I'mlooking forward to seeing you next week.Bye for now, Julia

    Inbox (1)



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  • 16.1 Listening

    Yuna Long is on a crowded train. She's trying to reach her seat.Try to complete these phrases from the conversation.

    Yuna: 1 me, sir.Man: 2 , go ahead.Yuna: anks. 3 ! I think Istepped on your foot.

    Yuna finds her seat.

    Yuna: Excuse me. I think I'm in seat 10B.Man: is is seat11B.Yuna: Are you 4 ?Man: Yes, see Yuna: Oh! You're right. I'm inyour seat. I'm 5 !Man: at's OK. Do you 6 help with yoursuitcase?Yuna: Uh yes. anks very much.Man: You're welcome.

    16.2 Listening

    Listen and underline the words you hear.

    A: Where are you from?B: I'm from 1 Newark/New York City .B: Areyou 2 on/in vacation?A: Yes, I am. And what about you?B: Me, 3too/also . I'm heading to Vancouver.A: How 4 often/usually do youtravel to Canada?B: I travel to Canada twice a year, 5often/usually during summer break and Easter break.A: Ah, do you 6have/visit family in Vancouver?B: Yes, my 7 brother/sister studiesEconomics at the University of British Columbia.

    16.3 Listening

    Vanessa Dalheim is at the information desk in the train stationin Beijing. She wants to buy a ticket to Badaling to see the GreatWall of China. Listen and fill in the blanks.

    A: Hello. Do you speak English?B: Yes, 1 .A: What time is thenext train to Badaling?B: Normally at 13:19, but it's 2 20minutes.A: at's all right. Which track?B: 3 4.A: How long is the 4?B: It's about an hour.A: at's great. Is it possible to get a snackon the train?B: Let me check. Yes, there's a snack bar and arestaurant.A: How much is the 5 trip?B: It's thirty-four yuan.A:OK. And my last question: can I buy my ticket at

    the ticket 6 ?B: Of course you can. Have a nice trip.

    Yuna Long is on a crowded train. She's trying to reach herseat.

    ! I think I stepped on your foot.

    help with your suitcase?



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  • American British English English

    Excuse me? Sorry?trip journeytrack platform

    16.1 Follow-up

    Part A What can you say: excuse me or sorry ?

    1 to get someone's attention 2 to ask someone to move 3 if youwant someone to repeat 4 if you bump into someone

    Part B Make questions.

    1 Do / need / help ? 2 Could / say / that / again ? 3 Is / seat/ free ?

    16.2 Follow-up

    Refer to Reading 16.2. Make questions. The first one is done foryou.

    1 Who is sending an email to Pam? Julia is sending an email toPam.2 Julia is in Vancouver.3 e sun is shining.4 ey're having adrink at a cafe at the moment.5 She's drinking ginger ale.6 No,Janet doesn't like co ee.7 At the moment, Mark is preparing somehamburgers

    and salad.

    16.3 Follow-up

    Answer the questions below to write a dialogue.

    You're at the information desk. You want to buy a train ticketto Dublin. 1 What time is the next train to Dublin?2 Which track,please?3 Is it direct?4 How long is the trip?5 Is it possible toget a snack on the train?6 How much is the round trip?7 Can I buymy ticket at the ticket machine, too?



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  • 16.1 Language Summary Using polite phrases

    Excuse me. Do you speak English? Yes, a little. Is this seatfree? Is it OK if I sit here? Sorry? Could you say that again?Sure. Of course. Certainly. Go ahead. It's OK. Oh sorry! That's allright. Do you need help with your bags?Yes, I'm looking for seat12. It's over there near the door.


    16.2 Language Summary Engaging in small talk

    What do you do every day ?They always have meetings onFridays.She often/usually walks through the park on Sundays.Shesometimes prepares dinner.She doesn't often ask for a cup ofcoffee.I rarely visit museums.He never travels to Vancouver duringspring break.

    What are you doing ?We are enjoying the good weather. The sun isshining and we're on the beach. At the moment, I'm having a drink.I'm having a ginger ale. He's preparing some hamburgers now. Theyare doing the housework. He isn't traveling to Paris.


    16.3 Language Summary Asking for information

    What time does the train leave ? It leaves at 5:00 p.m. fromtrack 4. The departure time is 5:00 p.m.What time does the trainarrive in Johannesburg? It arrives at 8:00 p.m. The arrival is at8:00 p.m.Is the two o'clock train on time ? No, it's delayed . Thedeparture time is now 2:10 p.m.There are no trains to Melbournetoday. All the trains to Melbourne are canceled .Train stations arethe places where trains stop to collect and deposit passengers. Atthe train station, you can buy your ticket from the "self-service"ticket machine or the ticket booth . If you buy a ticket online,you can see the seat number on it.




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  • 16


    16Talking Point

    1 Discuss the following questions.

    A Do you ever travel by train? If so, do you normally takeshort- or long-distance trips?B What do you usually take with youon a long train journey? Why?C What can you do on the train thatdoesn't involve electronic devices?


    A Bill is a ticket inspector on a train. Every day, he observespassengers. What do you think they normally do on the train?

    B Now listen to Bill give you some advice on what you can do onthe train.Choose from the list below and complete the extracts.

    can't eat enjoy have listen play read relax watch

    You can 1 to music, take out your laptop to 2 a film and 3 , 4 agood book or the local newspaper, go to the snack bar to 5 ordrink.Or you can combine them all: Sleep for about 45 minutes, readfor 30, listen to music for another 30, then 6 a snack and 7 thescenery. If you're traveling with more people, you can 8 a cardgame or talk to the person sitting next to you. If you aretraveling with young children, you 9 read, sleep or watch a goodmovie. Or can you?

    3 In pairs, complete the sentences on the Resource Sheet.

    Passing the Time

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  • 54

    UNIT 17


    17.1 Referring to the past17.2 Discussing things that happened(1)17.3 Discussing things that happened (2)

    17.1 Reading

    Try the quiz.









    The 2008 Summer Olympic Games were in .A China B Russia CCanada

    In which sport was Muhammad Ali the World Champion?A tennis Bskiing C boxing

    What pop group was Michael Jackson a member of when he wasyoung? A Fi h Avenue B e Miracles C e Jackson 5

    What nationality was Mozart?A German B Austrian C Swiss

    Who was the President of the United States of America in 1961?AJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy B George Washington C Abraham Lincoln

    When was the first World Cup? A 1934 B 1937 C 1930

    Who was the first person to walk on the moon?A John Glenn B JimLowell C Neil Armstrong

    Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes stories, wasa(n) by profession.A ophthalmologist B physician C speechtherapist

    Nelson Mandela was a/an winner in 1993.A Nobel Peace Prize B MTVaward C Academy Award

    was set up in 1954.A Amnesty International B e Red Cross C eGuinness Book of World





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  • 17.2 Reading 17.2 Reading

    We went on a getaway weekend to Madagascar.We le Friday and cameback on Sunday.On Saturday morning, we woke up late but still hadtime for breakfast. In the a ernoon, we took a bus to the zoo,where we saw lots of lemurs. We also bought a lot of souvenirs, atefresh seafood and swam in the Mozambique Channel.

    On Saturday, my teenage daughter enjoyed a concert in the park,my oldest son went to the drive-in movie theater, and my youngestson had football practice.

    I was 21 years old when I inherit

    ed thirty

    million dollars. Yes, my life was ab

    out to

    change. I didn't know what to do w

    ith all the

    money, so I phoned my best friend

    for ideas.

    She talked and I listened: "Give m

    oney to your

    family and to UNICEF, invest, ope

    n a savings

    account or simply spend it." I dec

    ided to do

    it all. First, I nished c

    ollege. A er that, I emailed

    my sister and asked her if she wan

    ted to

    travel to Canada with me. Of cou


    she accepted the o er. I booked t


    rst-class tickets and a double ro

    om at

    the best ve-star hotel in town. W


    stayed there for two months. I en


    the time there, and in the end, I w


    to buy a house, but I didn'

    t. I rented a trailer instead


    Life was great. We watche

    d television and cycled on

    weekends. We never cook

    ed. We wanted to eat in

    restaurants every day.

    A er Canada, we booked a

    nother trip. is time to

    England. We arrived at H

    eathrow Airport in the

    evening and checked in at

    the rst hotel. We actuall


    lived inside this hotel for

    the next seven months. M


    sister and I opened a cloth

    es shop called In the Fast

    Lane. I managed the shop

    and hired ve employees

    to do the rest.

    Later, I created

    an online shop

    a huge success.

    17.3 Reading

    The year I inherited The year I inherited The year


    We drove to my brother's for a family barbecue weekend.

    went to the drive-in movie seafood and swam in the MozambiqueChannel. theater, and my youngest

    son had football practice.

    On Saturday, my teenage daughter enjoyed a concert in the park,my oldest son went to the drive-in movie

    family barbecue weekend.

    went to the drive-in movie theater, and my youngest son hadfootball practice.



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  • 17.1 Listening

    Listen to the interview, then fill in the blanks.

    Sue: OK, John, I know you're American, but that's all. Tell meabout yourself.John: Sure. Well, I 1 a teacher for seven years inChicago, then a principal at Archbishop

    McDonald High School. What else do you want to know?Sue: What 2you before you were a teacher?John: Before? I 3 a student at St.Basil's School and then a trainee at the International

    School. I was at university for ve years. Now it's your turn. 4you 5 in the States?

    Sue: No, I 6 . I was born in Recife.John: Where's that?Sue:Recife is in the northeast of Brazil. My family still lives there.A er university, I was an actress for

    two years.John: Were you in any movies?Sue: Not movies, but in atelevision series.John: What 7 the name of the series?Sue: OnePoint.John: Really? So, you're famous

    17.2 Listening

    Part A Listen to two friends talking about a party. Then, answerthe following questions.

    1 Did he dance all night? 2 What kind of party was Matt invitedto? 3 Where was the party? 4 Did he like the party?

    Part B Listen again and complete the extracts.

    1 I an invitation to a party and decided to go.2 a friend ofmine me to a party, too.3 How many people there?4 ey even somerooms, so some guests stayed overnight.5 We arrived at six o'clockand in. e party started at seven

    and the music at four in the morning.6 We played charades,listened to music, danced and

    to friends of friends.7 I until eleven, so I missed breakfast. 8We some snowmobiles

    17.3 Listening

    Complete the extracts with the correct word.

    cut do (2x) email go make see wake

    Yesterday, a er the meeting, I 1 straight to bed. I 2 half anhour ago. 3 you 4 the shopping list I le for you on the kitchentable?

    Yes, I did. I 5 the shopping but forgot to go to thebutcher's.

    Yes, darling. I also 6 the grass, washed the dishes, 7 the beds,vacuumed the carpets and 8 your mother.



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  • 17.1 Follow-up

    Try to remember one of your last vacations. Now answer thequestions using one of the words in the boxes.

    amazing calm delicious exciting fantastic friendly great kindawful disgusting horrible terrible unfriendly unkind

    1 How was the food? 2 How was the weather? 3 How was the beach?4 How was the city/town/village? 5 How was the ight? 6 How were thepeople? 7 How were the restaurants? 8 How were the attractions?

    17.2 Follow-up

    What did you do last weekend? Choose seven verbs from the listbelow and write sentences. The first one is done for you.

    arrive ask clean cook dance drop finish go hate help laugh lielike lock look return stay take type walk wash watch work

    Last weekend, I worked on my project. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    17.3 Follow-up

    Write questions. The first one is done for you.

    1 When did you go to Moscow? I went to Moscow last month. 2 Heew to Rome. 3 ey liked Moscow because it's very historical. 4 Wewent to St. Petersburg aer Moscow. 5 I stayed in an expensivehotel. 6 I took pictures of the Kremlin. 7 He bought somesouvenirs. 8 She sent postcards to her friends back home. 9 Hestayed for three weeks.10 He arrived in Moscow by plane.



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  • 17.1 Language Summary Referring to the past

    The 2008 Summer Olympic Games were in China.Muhammad Ali was theWorld Champion in boxing. Nelson Mandela was the Nobel Peace Prizewinner in 1993 .I was born in Mexico. You were born in Peru. I wasin Canberra last spring. You were very busy on Monday. She wasn'tat home yesterday. We were in Tokyo last year. They weren't infront of the supermarket.

    Northeast is the direction halfway between north and east. Lookat me now. I'm so happy.


    17.2 Language Summary Discussing things that happened (1)

    I inherited thirty million dollars from my grandmother. My lifewas about to change.Every year, I give my children's clothes to thepoor. I give them to charity . I like to take my trailer with mewhen I go on holidays. Inside, it's a small apartment, but onwheels.

    I managed the shop. I was the manager. I have five newemployees. I hired them last week.It was a very big house. It washuge . I received an invitation to a party and decided to go. Idanced all night.We booked some rooms in the hotel. We madereservations .We arrived at six o'clock and checked in. The partystarted at seven, and the music stopped at four in the morning.Whathappened the next day? I didn't get up until eleven, so I missedbreakfast. I didn't have breakfast.We borrowed some snowmobiles. Weasked Lucy for them, and we returned them to her afterwards.Theylaughed all through the film. It was a comedy.I didn't tell thetruth. I lied .


    17.3 Language Summary Discussing things that happened (2)

    We went to Madagascar to escape the stress of work and life justfor two days.We left Friday afternoon and came back on Sunday. Wealso bought a lot of souvenirs.We ate fresh seafood.He went to thedrive-in movie theater. He watched the movie in his car.I woke uphalf an hour ago . Did you see the shopping list I left for you onthe kitchen table? Yes, I saw it. Yes, I did. I did the shoppingbut forgot to go to the butcher's. Did you forget to buy a ticket?Icut the grass, made the beds and had a lot of other things todo.




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  • 17


    Talking Point

    1 Discuss.

    When was the last time you had a bad day? What happened?

    2 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.

    Normally, Sundays are good days, but last Sunday A (be) aterrible one. I B (get) up early to go grocery shopping, C (leave)the apartment and D (notice) the "Out of Order" sign on theelevator. I live on the 14th floor. So, I E (take) the stairs. WhenI F (reach) the ground floor, I realized I G (not / have) myshopping list. I still H (go) to the supermarket, but I just I(buy) dessert for my friend and then waited for the bus to take meto her house. I J (catch) the bus, but it was an hour late. Thenthe bus driver K (shout) at me because I took too much time to geton. Then there was no place to sit on the bus. So I L (stand) andhoped someone would offer me a seat. On the way back home, the busM (break) down. So I N (walk) home. Then it started to rain. I O(not / have) my umbrella, so I was very wet. I also noticed Ididn't have my purse. Where did I leave my purse? How could I enterthe apartment without my keys? There I stood angry, wet and colduntil I remembered the security guard had a master key. What aday!

    3 In pairs, act out short dialogues using the words below.

    Example: When was the last time you ? The last time I was (twodays ago).Extension: What happened? Where did you ? How did you ?Who did you ? etc.

    A Bad Day

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  • UNIT 18


    18.1 Describing shapes, sizes and weights18.2 Explain uses andpurposes

    18.3 Understanding basic instructions

    18.1 Reading

    How wide is it? It's 25.6 inches, or 65 cm, wide.

    How tall is it? It's 19.2 inches, or 49 cm, tall.How heavy isit? It weighs 112 pounds, or 50 kg.How big is the screen? It has491 square inches,

    or 0.32 square meters, of viewing area.What are itsdimensions?

    It's 25.6 inches (or 65 cm) by 19.2 inches (or 49 cm) and 9.8inches

    (or 25 cm) deep.

    How wide is it? It's 31 inches, or 78 cm, wide.

    How tall is it? It's 20 inches, or 50 cm, tall.How heavy is it?It weighs 20 pounds, or 9 kg.

    How much viewing area does it have? It has 620 square inches, or0.4 square meters,

    of viewing area.What is the diagonal measurement?

    It's a 32-inch, or 81-cm, TV.It's not a square, it's arectangle.



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  • 18.3 Reading18.3 Reading

    18.2 Reading

    What are these? ey're headphones. You use them to listen tomusic.

    Dos Read e-bo

    oks on your tablet

    Update your softwa


    Buy earphones

    Clean the screen

    Don'tsDon't use

    soap to wipe

    the screen

    Using your tablet the right w


    Press the "Hold" butto

    n to switch on the tablet.


    t the tablet to the computer

    using the USB cable.

    You can synchronize m

    usic and video now.

    Insert a SIM card and

    enter your password.

    It's read

    y to use. To switch o , press

    the "Hold" button.

    To charge the battery

    , connect your tablet

    to a socket using the cable a

    nd the USB

    power adapter, or to a comp

    uter using the

    USB 2.0 port.

    What's that?What's It's a docking system. You

    can charge your phone with it. It can give you better audioquality when you listen to music, thanks to the speakers.

    It's a battery charger. It's for charging your phone whileyou're driving.for charging your phone while you're driving.



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  • 18.1 Listening

    Listen and fill in the extracts.

    1 How is the TV set? 2 How is it? 3 How is it? 4 Do you need aTV , or do you want to hang the TV? 5 How do I need to sit from a32-inch LCD TV?

    e you sit from it is four to ve feet. 6 LCDs less and look greatin light rooms. 7 How is your room? 8 Could you give someinformation on the quality? 9 Could you give some information onthe TV's quality?10 Does it consume a lot of ?

    18.2 Listening

    Listen to two friends talking about a smart phone. Whatinteresting applications do they mention? Underline the ones youhear.

    alarm clock battery charger car tracker converter dictionarydocking system flashlight headphones phone tracker

    18.3 Listening

    Part A Listen to two colleagues talk about how to watch live TVon a tablet. Put the following sentences in the correct order.

    en, open your Internet browser and go to the website. First ofall, you need to switch on your tablet. Click on that and selectthe channel you want to see. Be careful.

    Don't double-click. e next thing is to sign up.

    Part B Listen again and place the words under the correctheading.

    buy a stand charge the battery double-click turn off the Wi-Ficonnection

    Do Don't

    Listen again and place the words under the correct heading.

    turn off the Wi-Fi connection



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  • 18.1 Follow-up

    Write the questions.

    1 e average gira e is 5.5 meters, or 18 feet, tall.2 MountEverest is 8,848 meters, or 29,028 feet, high.3 e Ro de la Plata is220 kilometers, or 140 miles, wide. 4 e Earth is about 4.5 billionyears old.5 An o cial soccer ball weighs 500 grams, or 1.1 pounds.6e River Nile is 6,650 kilometers, or 4,130 miles, long.

    18.2 Follow-up

    Below you have listed some accessories for your tablet andgadgets for the car. But what can we use them for? Write a sentenceusing the words. The first one is done for you.

    1 tablet carrying case to carry (You use it to ) You use it tocarry your tablet.

    2 tablet protective cover to store(You can in it)

    3 tablet protective screen to protect(It's for ing )

    4 docking system for the tablet to listen to music(You can withit)

    5 charger for the car to charge the tablet battery(You can )

    6 keyboard for the tablet to type longer emails (You use it ) 7a DVD player for the car to watch movies

    (It's for ing )

    18.3 Follow-up

    Part A Write the instructions for using a drinks machine.

    Part B What are some dos and don'ts at home / in the office / atthe swimming pool / when driving ?

    American British English English

    feet (or yards) metresounces (or pounds) grams



    Step2_01_Unit_16-20.indd 16 04.03.13 12:15

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  • 18 18.1 Language Summary Describing shapes, sizes andweights

    How tall is an average giraffe? The average giraffe is 5.5meters, or 18 feet, tall . How high is Mount Everest? Mount Everestis 8,848 meters, or 29,028 feet, high . How wide is the Ro de laPlata? It is 220 kilometers, or 140 miles, wide . How old is theEarth? The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old . How much does theofficial soccer ball weigh? It weighs 500 grams, or 1.1 pounds. Howheavy is the official soccer ball? It weighs 500 grams, or 1.1pounds. How long is the Nile River? The Nile River is 6,650kilometers, or 4,130 miles, long. How big is your room? It's verybig. How far do I need to sit from a 32-inch LCD TV? The distanceyou sit from it is four to five feet.What are its dimensions ? It's25.6 inches by 19.2 inches, and 9.8 inches deep.

    Does it consume a lot of power? I'm worried about my electricitybill.


    A square has four equal sides.A triangle has three sides.Acircle is a round shape.A rectangle has four sides. The oppositesides are parallel.


    18.2 Language Summary Explain uses and purposes

    You use the tablet carrying case to carry your tablet. You canprotect your tablet with a protective cover.The protective screenis for protecting the tablet screen.The battery charger can chargeyour tablet.You use the keyboard to type longer emails.

    A torch is the same as a flashlight . It can help you to see inthe dark.You can use the converter to convert temperature unitsfrom Celsius to Fahrenheit.A smart vacuum cleaner vacuums yourhouse all by itself.


    18.3 Language Summary Understanding basic instructions

    To switch on the DVD player, press the "On" button. To switchoff , press the "Off" button. Take the DVD out of the box and putit into the tray. Insert the DVD.Press the "Close" button and thenpress "Play".To stop the film, press the "Stop" button. Don'tworry. All the applications are free. Click on that and select thechannel you want to see. Be careful. Don't double-click. If youwant to watch TV all day, don't forget to charge the battery. Turnoff your Wi-Fi connection. Why? To conserve the tablet's battery.Tap "Settings Network Wi-Fi" and move the slider to "Off".



    Step2_01_Unit_16-20.indd 17 04.03.13 12:16

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  • 18


    Talking Point

    1 Discuss. What is a gadget? Give some examples.

    2 Read the following and answer the questions below.

    A gadget is a useful device. Gadgets can help you clean thehouse, educate you, save you time and even make cooking easier andmore fun. Gadget buyers love technology.Some examples of nicegadgets to buy are "smart" objects: A smart phone, a smart vacuumcleaner, a smart watch, a smart GPS, a smart key or a smart car. Oryou can opt for a 3D TV, a tablet, a virtual or foldable keyboard,the latest coffee machine, a new entertainment system or anywireless device.Nowadays, one gadget can do a lot of things. Forexample, a speaker can be a speaker, it can charge your phone andbe an alarm clock at the same time.

    A Why do people buy gadgets? Are you a gadget buyer?B What couldyou buy a woman? A man? A child?

    3 Discuss.

    A What do you look for in a watch? When you buy a watch, what isimportant for you? (price, style, color, water resistance)

    B Do you have a watch? Why do you need it?C What do you think a"smart watch" is? What can it do?


    Step2_01_Unit_16-20.indd 18 27.02.13 15:19

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  • 19.1 Reading19.1 Reading

    UNIT 19


    19.1 Describing experiences and feelings19.2 Makingcomparisons

    19.3 Talking about extremes

    Dear Pam and Tom,

    anks for the inter ting b

    irthday pr ent a ee

    one-day p for a theme par

    k my choice. I used

    the tick in Tenerife and ha

    d a crazy time. I went on

    the rollercoaster and the fe

    is w_h eel, inside a shark

    tank and saw a seal and dol

    phin show.

    On the rollercoaster ride, the

    re were many people

    screaming. It was fun and i

    ghtening at the same

    time. en I went on the fe

    is w_h eel. at was quite

    boring and slow. e trip las

    ted f_i een minut with

    mini-stops every thirty s on

    ds. A er that ride, I

    d ided to do som hing a bi

    t di erent.

    I put on some scuba-diving g

    ear and watched the

    sharks go around me. It was

    n't dangerous, b ause

    I was in a cage. e only bad

    moment I had was w_h en

    the water entered my mask

    I panicked for a bit. To

    forg that, I d ided to enj

    the dolphin and seal

    show. e seals were funny.

    made the public

    laugh a l , p ially in the e

    nd, w_h en a seal pushed

    the animator into the water


    N time, you are all comin

    g with me!


    Pam and Tom Ha ison

    5187 Collins Avenue

    FL - 32809 Orlando

    I was in a cage. e only bad

    moment I had was w_h en

    I panicked for a bit. To

    laugh a l , p ially in the e

    nd, w_h en a seal pushed

    FL - 32809 Orlando



    Step2_01_Unit_16-20.indd 19 27.02.13 15:20

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  • New York In One Day


    tennisWimbledon, Roland Garros, US Open, Australian Open and theDavis Cup.

    baseballThe most famous sport in the USA.

    volleyball (including beach volley)It's the second most popularsport in Brazil.

    soccerThe most po


    sport in the world.

    19.2 Reading

    19.3 Reading

    New York in one day What can you see? What can you do?

    I recommend Grand Central. When you walk into this old station,it's like a black and white photograph comingto life. is terminalis busier than the other terminals so watch out for people in ahurry. You can also go jogging or bike-riding in Central Park.

    If you like art, then I suggest the MET (Metropolitan Museum ofArt), the Whitney or the Guggenheim. e Whitney is closer to CentralPark and has more works by younger and less-well-known Americanartists. en have dinner at a restaurant around the livelier TimesSquare.

    If you want the "tourist option", then go to the top of theEmpire State Building. It's higher than the Bank of America Tower.en take the ferry to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.

    If you like shopping, you can choose the cheaper option and goto Soho, or the more expensive option to Fi h Avenue. en, why notuse the subway to see New York's multicultural neighborhoods,Chinatown and Little Italy?

    I'm a practical person and, when I don't have a lot of time, Ichoose a bus tour that stops at every famous monument.It's a coolerand more pleasant option because there's air-conditioninginside.

    top sports around the world

    Wimbledon, Roland Garros, US Open,

    sport in the world.

    basketballThe most common sport in the USA, Canada, Europe,Argentina and China.

    athleticsIt's the least popular in Latin America and in thedeveloping countries.

    baseballThe most famous sport in the USA.

    top sports around the worldtop sports around the worldcarracing

    (F1, rally, CART, etc.): The

    sport that gets the highes


    TV ratings in the world.

    The most famous sport in the USA.

    volleyball (including

    It's the second most popular

    The most famous sport in the USA.TV ratings in the world.TVratings in

    the world.

    golfThe most popular sport for many people in the USA andEurope, but one of the most boring to watch on TV.

    the Davis Cup.


    (ice, eld and roller)

    It's the national sport in India

    and Pakistan. It's considered

    one of the most dangerous

    sports in the world.

    It's the least popular in

    boring to watch on TV.


    Some peopl

    e consider

    boxing the m


    dangerous s


    cricketThe greatest sport in India and Pakistan. And it's thenational sport in England.

    tennisWimbledon, Roland Garros, US Open, Australian Open and theDavis Cup.

    hockey hockey

    (ice, eld and roller)

    It's the national sport in India

    and Pakistan. It's considered

    one of the most dangerous

    sports in the world.



    Step2_01_Unit_16-20.indd 20 27.02.13 15:21

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  • 19.1 Listening

    Listen and decide if the sentences are true or false.

    1 Alice is 26 years old. T F2 She spent two hours at theamusem*nt park. T F3 Her favorite ride was the ferris wheel. T F4She nally got on the rollercoaster on her third visit to the park.T F5 She was happy in the end. T F

    19.2 Listening

    Mike and Melissa decided to visit Eva during their summer break.Eva lives in George Town, the capital of the Cayman Islands. Shewants to show them around the city but doesn't really know whatthey would prefer to see.

    Listen and complete the extracts.

    1 How about doing something (exciting), perhaps seeing theisland by bike?

    2 Well, it's (hot) today than yesterday, so I think the beachoption is (good).3 ey're (dangerous) than sharks.4 It's probablyexpensive, but it's (convenient).5 Stingray City is (close) thanSeven Mile Beach. 6 It's just a ten-minute ride on the hovercra ,and it is (fast) than the ferry.

    19.3 Listening

    Mark is interviewing a sports expert. Listen and complete theextracts.

    1 A race car driver needs the (good) sports car, a racing yachtneeds the (competent) crew, and an amateur mountaineer needs to betrained by the (experienced) guide.

    2 In your opinion, what are the (dangerous) and frighteningsports?3 In my opinion, dangerous sports are linked to the(serious) injuries. 4 ey are also the (cheap) and (easy) things todo.

    Mark is interviewing a sports expert. Listen and complete theextracts.

    sports car, a racing yacht crew, and an amateur mountaineerneeds

    and frightening





    Step2_01_Unit_16-20.indd 21 27.02.13 15:21

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  • 19.1 Follow-up

    Refer to Reading 19.1 and answer the questions.

    1 What present did Nina receive from Pam and Tom? 2 Where didshe go? 3 What did she think about the rollercoaster ride? 4 Whatwas the ferris wheel like? 5 Was diving with the sharks dangerous?6 Why did she panic? 7 Did she enjoy the seal show?

    19.2 Follow-up

    Choose eight words below to compare New York City with the placeyou live.

    cheap clean crowded dirty expensive large modern noisy oldpeaceful polluted safe small

    1 New York City is more crowded than 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    19.3 Follow-up

    Answer the following questions.

    1 Name six sports 2 In your opinion, which of the six is thesafest / most dangerous? 3 In your opinion, which of the six is thecheapest / most expensive? Why? 4 In your opinion, which of the sixis the most relaxing / stressful?



    Step2_01_Unit_16-20.indd 22 27.02.13 15:21

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  • 19.1 Language Summary Describing experiences and feelings

    At an amusem*nt park , you can go on many rides , such as therollercoaster and the ferris wheel.On the rollercoaster ride, therewere many people screaming. It was fun and at the same timefrightening . The ferris wheel was quite boring and slow .I put onsome scuba-diving gear , such as my wetsuit, my scuba tank and mymask. I watched the sharks go around me. It wasn't dangerousbecause I was in a cage.Seals are funny . They make the publiclaugh a lot. The playground was fun for the kids. They had a greattime!The scary dive coaster takes you up 250 feet. When I got off,my legs were like jelly. I couldn't stand up.It was tough becausewe had to climb so many stairs, but in the end we had a wonderfultime. Yesterday evening, we all went to the spa for a relaxing hotstone massage.


    19.2 Language Summary Making comparisons

    Picasso, van Gogh and Monet are some examples of well-knownartists . They're all famous.New York has some multiculturalneighborhoods, such as Chinatown and Little Italy.How about doingsomething more exciting , like seeing the island by bike?Well, it'shotter today than yesterday, so I think the beach option is better.The indoor playground for the twins had 24-hour supervision, so itwas safe . Modern cars are safer than old cars.We always go to workby car, it's more convenient than with the bus. It's worse on theferry than on the hovercraft. The ferry is always crowded andslow.This terminal is busier than the other terminals.Thehovercraft is faster than the ferry.Stingray City is farther thanSeven Mile Beach.It's worse than I thought.Stingrays are lessdangerous than sharks.


    19.3 Language Summary Talking about extremes

    Wing-suit flying is a sport where you jump in the air with aspecial jumpsuit.Base-jumping is a sport in which a personparachutes from fixed objects, such as high buildings, cliffs,etc.Whitewater rafting is a sport of rafting down fast-flowingrivers, especially over rapids.Heliskiing is an extreme sport . Ahelicopter takes you to remote mountains and you skithere.Dangerous sports are linked to the most serious injuries toyour body.A car racer needs the best sports car.A racing yachtneeds the most competent crew.An amateur mountaineer needs to betrained by the most experienced guide. Going to the spa isrelaxing. Fishing and listening to music are the cheapest andeasiest things to do.Today was my worst day ever. It was terriblefrom the moment I got up.Some people think fishing is the least fun. They think it's a boring activity.




    Step2_01_Unit_16-20.indd 23 27.02.13 15:21

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  • 19


    Talking Point

    1 Welly throwing a sport from Britainthe objective: To throw aWellington boot as far as possiblerules: Each player has threethrows. The person who

    throws the boot the farthest wins.

    cost: Freethe best adjective to describe the sport: Exciting

    Now answer the following questions:A Do you know any eccentricsports like Welly throwing? Can you give some examples?B How do youplay the sport/game?C How much does it cost?D Is it safe, excitingor difficult?


    A Look at the picture above. In your opinion, what isZorbing?

    B Match the pairs. Then listen to check your answer.

    Building up the courageNo one younger than eight years old

    The wet rideThe dry ride

    The cheapest option



    is more popular than the dry ride.was the most difficult.wasmore expensive.was allowed to ride.was to take the three-ridepackage.

    3 In pairs, invent an eccentric sport or hobby, somethingdifferent or unusual. Describe it to your partner. What are therules? The cost? The objective?

    Crazy but Fun

    Step2_01_Unit_16-20.indd 24 27.02.13 15:21

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  • UNIT 20


    20.1 Arranging to meet someone20.2 Describing locations incities20.3 Summing up arrangements

    20.1 Reading

    From: [emailprotected] To: [emailprotected]:Dinner


    Hi Jane, How are you? Are you free for dinner next week? Howabout Friday? I know a nice little restaurant! When and where shallwe meet? I can pick you up if you want. If you don't have time onFriday, please let me know. I am also free on Saturday. By the way,can I have your number?TomHi Tom,It's great to hear from you. Yes,I'd love to have dinner. I'm busy on Friday, but Saturday is OKwith me. Shall we meet downtown near the central train station atabout 7:00 p.m.?By the way, my phone number is 067-876-5448.So,I'll see you on Saturday at 7:00 p.m., then.Bye for now,Jane

    Inbox (2)


    20.1 Arranging to meet someone20.2 Describing locations incities20.3 Summing up arrangements

    20.1 Reading

    20.1 Arranging to meet someone20.2 Describing locations incities20.3 Summing up arrangements


    Step2_01_Unit_16-20.indd 25 27.02.13 15:21

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  • 20.3 Reading

    20.2 Reading

    Melissa wants to arrange a meeting with Pamela.

    Melissa: Shall we meet at the ai 144 restaurant?Pamela: Yes,that's a good idea. Melissa: Are you walking or taking yourcar?Pamela: I'm taking my car. Can you tell me the way?Melissa: Ofcourse. It's easy. Go along Jameson Road and go through the tunnel.When you come out of

    the tunnel, turn le . Drive over the bridge. At theintersection, turn right. Go past the rst tra c lights. At the rstcircle, take the third exit. Go straight ahead for about half amile. e restaurant is at the end of the street. You can't missit.

    Pamela: Umm. I think I've got it.Melissa: Here's my cell numberjust in case: 073-328-3769.Pamela: Great! I'll see you in anhour.Melissa: See you soon. Bye.

    From: [emailprotected] To: [emailprotected]: My stay inLiverpool


    Hello Soraya,I'm so excited. As you know, I'm traveling toLiverpool on Friday. Your sister invited me to spend Saturday withher and the children. I'm staying at the Hilton for two nights. I'mmeeting them Saturday morning at the Glenrose Mall. We're havinglunch at her house. She promised to cook chicken and mushroom piefor me. Her closest friends are joining us for coffee, I'm happy tomeet them. After that, I'm taking the subway downtown to see thewax museum. I don't know what I'm doing on Sunday, so I'm sendingyou some pictures of the local tourist attractions I downloadedfrom the Internet. Can you help me decide? I'm catching my light at8:00 p.m., so I have the whole day to sightsee. Well, that's allfor now. See you when I return from Liverpool.James

    Inbox (3)



    Step2_01_Unit_16-20.indd 26 27.02.13 15:22

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  • 20.1 Listening

    Part A Listen to the three conversations on the phone. Are theyaccepting or declining the invitation?

    1 Conversation 1: 2 Conversation 2: 3 Conversation 3:

    Part B Listen again, and complete these extracts from thedialogues.

    1 we eat out?2 reserve a table.3 We a barbecue on the weekend. 4check with Claire and then let you know.5 Are you for lunch today?6Another .

    20.2 Listening

    Listen and complete the extracts.

    1 Could you tell me how to your o ce? 2 You can park your car inthe parking lot my o ce building, and then you can walk to

    the cafe. 3 Take 4 and follow the Creekville signs. 4 Stay inthe lane, and then you will see the Creekville . 5 As you come othe highway, turn onto Santa Barbara. 6 Go straight for two milesuntil you reach the rst . 7 Turn le again at the rst lights. 8 Ourbuilding is the corner, across from the parking lot. 9 en, on foot,the street and go straight ahead, the post o ce and bank. 10 e cafeis the bank.

    20.3 Listening

    Olivia, Mr. Moss's daughter, talks about her summerarrangements. Listen and fill in the blanks.

    is year, my summer vacation is a little bit di erent. I'm 1 atthe local hospital every day for four hours. is a ernoon, I'm 2 thegym. It was my father's idea, really. He o ered me a one-monthvoucher for the gym. I'm also 3 a computer class in the evenings soI can use new programs on the computer. Oh, I almost forgot! Beforewe leave, my father and I are 4 an outdoor party to celebrate 5birthday. e whole family is joining 6 for this grand celebration.My father is 7 a catering company to decorate, cook, serve the foodand clean up a erwards. I'm 8 his birthday cake, but, in casethings go wrong in the kitchen, the catering company has anothercake.

    the post o ce and bank. the post o ce and bank.

    at the local hospital every day for four hours. is the gym. Itwas my father's idea, really.




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  • 20.1 Follow-up

    Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.

    arrangements busy free how about I'll see you meet shall welet's

    A: Hello, it's Jeremy.B: Hi, Jeremy. How are you?A: Fine,thanks, and you?B: Great. Listen, we need to discuss the 1 forLeslie's birthday party. Are you 2

    on Friday?A: I'm 3 on Friday. 4 ursday a ernoon?B: at's good. 5say at three o'clock?A: ree o'clock is OK for me. Where shall we 6?B: 7 meet at Julia's cafe.A: All right. So, 8 on ursday then.Goodbye.B: Bye.

    20.2 Follow-up

    Underline the correct word.

    1 Can you tell me the way/travel ?2 Go through/along PineStreet.3 Go straight ahead/over .4 At the second intersection/way ,turn right.

    5 Go past/pass the high school.6 Turn right at the rst set ofcircle/traffic lights.7 e park is on/in your le .8 You can'tmiss/lose it.

    20.3 Follow-up

    Complete the sentences about your trip to Helsinki with thewords below.

    flying getting meeting signing

    1 On Wednesday morning, I'm to Helsinki.2 On ursday morning, I'ma friend for lunch at the hotel's restaurant.3 On ursday a ernoon,I'm autographs at the downtown bookshop.4 On Friday a ernoon, I'mback to London.

    American British English English

    go straight ahead go straight on across from oppositesidewalkfootpath/pavementexpressway/highway motorwayintersectionjunctiontraffic circle roundabout



    Step2_01_Unit_16-20.indd 28 04.03.13 12:17

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  • 20.1 Language Summary Arranging to meet someone

    Are you free for dinner next week? Sure, I'm available . I'mbusy on Friday, but Saturday is OK with me. By the way , my phonenumber is 067-887-6544.I'm sorry I can't come. That's OK. Anothertime.Hello. This is Peter. Can/Could I speak to Larry?


    Shall we meet downtown near the central train station at about7:00 p.m.? Let's meet at Larry's at about 7:00 p.m. Shall I pickyou up? How about Friday? I know a nice little restaurant! When andwhere shall we meet?

    Spontaneous decisions

    So, I'll see you on Saturday at 7:00 p.m., then. I'll check withClaire and then I'll let you know.


    20.2 Language Summary Describing locations in cities

    Can you tell me the way? Of course. It's easy. Go along JamesonRoad and go through the tunnel. When you come out of the tunnel,turn left . Drive over the bridge. At the intersection , turn right. Go past the first traffic lights . At the first circle, take thethird exit. Go straight ahead for about half a mile. The restaurantis at the end of the street . You can't miss it.You can park yourcar in the parking lot opposite my office building, and then youcan walk to the cafe. Take highway 4 and follow the Creekvillesigns. As you come off the highway, turn right onto Santa Barbara.Our building is on the corner .Never cross the street when thetraffic signal is red.


    20.3 Language Summary Summing up arrangements

    Future arrangements

    I'm traveling to Liverpool on Friday. I'm staying at the Hiltonfor two nights. We're having lunch at her house. My sister invitedme to spend the day with her .See you next weekend.I spoke to Sam.I spoke to him . I'm waiting next to the bookstore. I'm waitingnext to it .Friends are joining us for coffee.I'm happy to meetthem .




    Step2_01_Unit_16-20.indd 29 04.03.13 12:21

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  • 20


    Talking Point

    1 Answer the following questions.

    A Do you travel a lot? If so, where do you go?B What do you dothere?C What do you usually pack when you travel onvacation/business?D Tell your partner about your last vacation /business trip.

    2 Sarah Tontly is traveling to the head office in Berlin to meetTim and the team. Listen to Sarah and Tim discuss preparations forthe week. Fill in the weekly schedule on the Resource Sheet.

    3 Role-play the following with your partner.

    You are going to Sydney for a business meeting. Decide when toleave and then take a few days off to enjoy the city. Discuss yourarrangements from Monday to Friday. Use the Resource Sheet to writeyour ideas.

    There and Back

    Step2_01_Unit_16-20.indd 30 27.02.13 15:22

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  • Gra


    ar S




    0Grammar Summary 1620

    Past simple

    Regular verbs take ed in the past. Make questions with did .

    to play

    present past past question past negative

    I playyou playhe playsshe playsit playswe playthey play

    I playedyou playedhe playedshe playedit playedwe playedtheyplayed

    Did I play ?Did you play ?Did he play ?Did she play ?Did it play?Did we play ?Did they play ?

    I didn't playyou didn't playhe didn't playshe didn't playitdidn't playwe didn't playthey didn't play

    to be

    present past past question past negative

    I amyou arehe isshe isit iswe arethey are

    I wasyou werehe wasshe wasit waswe werethey were

    Was I ?Were you ?Was he ?Was she ?Was it ?Were we ?Were they?

    I wasn'tyou weren'the wasn'tshe wasn'tit wasn'twe weren'ttheyweren't

    Irregular verbsA lot of verbs are irregular in the past simple.There is a list of irregular verbs in the back of your book.

    infinitive past simple

    to goto taketo cometo have


    to go

    present past past question past negative

    I goyou gohe goesshe goesit goeswe gothey go

    I wentyou wenthe wentshe wentit wentwe went they went

    Did I go ?Did you go ?Did he go ?Did she go ?Did it go ?Did wego ?Did they go ?

    I didn't goyou didn't gohe didn't goshe didn't goit didn't gowedidn't gothey didn't go


    Step2_04_Summarys.indd 31 27.02.13 11:04

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  • Gra


    ar S




    Grammar Summary 1620


    comparing two things

    With one-syllable adjectives, use er . With two-syllableadjectives which end in y , use ier .cold cold er small small ereas y eas ier happ y happ ier

    With multi-syllable (more than two-syllable) adjectives, usemore or less : difficult more difficult less difficult

    You can also use less with one-syllable adjectives: less oldless wide

    Make comparisons with adjectives + than : France is bigger thanItaly.


    With one-syllable adjectives, use the est : the cold est thesmall est

    With two-syllable adjectives which end in y , use the iest : theeas iest the funn iest

    With multi-syllable adjectives, use the most or the least : themost difficult the least difficult

    Present continuous with future meaning

    Use the present continuous to talk about future arrangements.Always say when.

    I'm having lunch with him tomorrow . She's meeting me at nineo'clock .

    Will / Shall for spontaneous decisions.

    I' ll take this jacket. Since it's your birthday, I' ll pay forlunch.

    Shall I/we ? To make an offer / a suggestion Shall I help youwith those bags? (Do you want me to help you with those bags?)Shall we wait until the rain stops? (Why don't we wait until therain stops?)

    object pronouns

    person object pronoun



    This restaurant is too expensive for me .Hello, Mark. This seatis for you .He's my friend. I like him .She's nice. Do you know her?Where's the present? Do you have it ?We go swimming every day.Come with us .Where are they? Can you see them ?


    Step2_04_Summarys.indd 32 27.02.13 11:04

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  • Voca


    ry S




    0Vocabulary Summary 1620


    to go throughleftrightto drive over

    at the intersectiontraffic lightsat the traffic circleon thecorner

    to take the exitto go straight aheadat the end of the streettotake highway 4

    to go pastto cross the street

    Polite Conversation

    excuse meIs this seat free?Is it OK if I sit here?sorryCould yousay that again?sureof course

    certainlyto go aheadit's OKDo you need help?it's over thereenjoythe weatherto have a drink

    to prepareto walkto have meetingsto ask forpassengerstoleavedeparture

    to arriveon timeticket boothonline ticketticket machine

    Looking Back

    got uplaughedwentatedrankcutmadeto be born

    looked atinheritedmissedaskedreturnedmanagedhiredreceived

    woke upsawboughtforgotdecided todanced booked

    arrived atstartedstoppedborrowedliedhappenedago



    to chargehightallbigfarlongheavyinches

    to consumeto putto insertto stopto tapto protectto click ontopress

    to move circlerectangletriangleto switch on/off

    Having Fun

    amusem*nt parkfrighteningrideboringslowgear





    Step2_04_Summarys.indd 33 27.02.13 11:04

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  • Skill

    s Su




    Skills Summary 1620

    After Units 16 to 20, you can

    Skill Section use polite phrases 16.1 engage in small talk 16.2keep up a polite conversation 16.2 ask for information 16.3 ask forbasic travel information at a train station 16.3 discuss what to doon a long train journey TP16

    refer to past events 17.1 refer to things that happened in thepast 17.2/17.3 talk about actions in the past TP17 describe thingsyou do during the day and sum them up in notes TP17

    describe shapes, sizes and weight 18.1 explain uses and purposes18.2 describe the basic functions and applications of tools andappliances 18.2 understanding basic written technical instructions18.3 describe and explain the use and instructions of gadgets/toolsTP18

    describe feelings about experiences 19.1 make comparisons 19.2talk about extremes 19.3 discuss and give an opinion on sportsTP19

    arrange to meet someone 20.1 use basic telephoning language 20.1describe the locations of places in cities 20.2 sum up arrangements20.3 describe the nature and timing of future arrangements 20.3discuss travel preparations TP20


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  • 35



    UNIT 21


    21.1 Talking about animals21.2 Referring to parts of thebody

    21.3 Talking about dangerous creatures

    21.1 Reading

    1 5








    What is the largest animal in the world? A the blue whale B theelephant C the rhinoceros

    Which animal has the best sense of hearing?A the owl B theelephant C the cat

    What is the fastest land animal?A the cheetah B the tiger C thelion

    What is the most dangerous animal in the world?A the crocodile Bthe hippo C the mosquito

    What is the smallest bird in the world?A the dove B thehummingbird C the parakeet

    What is the tallest animal in the world?A the horse B the cow Cthe gira e

    Which animal has the largest appetite?A the blue whale B thekiller whale C the lion

    Which snake is the heaviest in the world?A the rattlesnake B theanaconda C the python

    Which animal can swim the best?A the octopus B the shark C thepenguin


    Step2_01_Unit_21-25.indd 35 27.02.13 15:30

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  • 21.2 Reading21.2 Reading

    21.3 Reading

    Humans and apes have a

    lot in common.

    Apes are also di erent fro

    m other animals because

    they use their hands to co

    mmunicate with each

    other. Humans use both r

    ight and le hands.

    Apes use only their right


    When an ape stretches o

    ut its hand, it is asking fo


    food. When humans do i

    t we are being friendly, as

    when we shake hands.

    Humans and apes cover t

    heir ears with their hand


    when there is a lot of noi


    Apes also have huge eyes

    and, just like humans, th


    can tell us when they are

    sad, scared or happy.

    ey use their hands and

    feet to walk. eir nger


    are the same size and the

    ir arms are longer than

    their legs. Apes have large

    brains. e most

    intelligent ape is the chim


    Gorillas are also in the ap

    e family. ey have a very

    large head, small ears an

    d no tail. What is interest


    about gorillas is that they

    have a particular nose

    print, like humans have a

    particular ngerprint.

    So the next time you see

    your ngerprint on your

    passport, imagine a goril

    la's passport!

    Humans and apes

    21.3 Reading




    When you visit countries such

    as Africa and Australia, don't f

    orget to look out for

    dangerous animals.

    Some animals, such as spiders,

    snakes and jelly sh, are venom

    ous and can injure

    people. New Zealand is a coun

    try where there aren't any veno

    mous snakes and

    there are also no dangerous wi

    ld animals.

    Other examples of animals tha

    t can harm you are big cats, sh

    arks, bears, elephants,

    hippos and bu aloes. e hipp

    o is Africa's most dangerous an

    imal. But don't worry.

    ere are none living in the w

    ild outside of Africa!

    ere are also other animals th

    at carry diseases. ese are the

    world's most

    dangerous animals: House ies

    and mosquitoes. As far as I kn

    ow, there is no

    country without mosquitoes. S

    o, next time you travel, always

    have a mosquito

    repellent spray with you.


    When you visit countries such

    as Africa and Australia, don't f

    orget to look out for

    Some animals, such as spiders,

    snakes and jelly sh, are venom

    ous and can injure

    people. New Zealand is a coun

    try where there aren't any veno

    mous snakes and

    people. New Zealand is a coun

    try where there aren't any veno

    mous snakes and

    Other examples of animals tha

    t can harm you are big cats, sh

    arks, bears, elephants,

    hippos and bu aloes. e hipp

    o is Africa's most dangerous an

    imal. But don't worry.

    ere are also other animals th

    at carry diseases. ese are the

    world's most

    dangerous animals: House ies

    and mosquitoes. As far as I kn

    ow, there is no

    country without mosquitoes. S

    o, next time you travel, always

    have a mosquito



    Step2_01_Unit_21-25.indd 36 27.02.13 15:31

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  • 37

    21.1 Listening

    Part A Listen and answer the following questions.

    1 Does the hotel have brochures on sightseeing activities?

    2 Which place did the hotel receptionist suggest to visit?

    Part B Listen and complete the extracts from the dialogue.

    1 Oh, yes. I heard it's the (large) zoo in the world. 2 It hasthe (many) species of any zoo in the world.3 In fact, my childrenthink it's the (good) zoo in the world. 4 ey saw the (exciting)coral reef exhibit inside.

    21.2 Listening

    Before listening to these interesting facts about animals, tryto guess if the following statements are true or false. Then listenand check your answers.

    1 Dolphins sleep with one eye open. T F2 Zebras can see thecolor orange. T F3 Mosquitoes have 20 teeth. T F4 A caterpillar has248 muscles in its head. T F5 e le leg of a chicken is so er thanthe right one. T F6 Fish have no outer ears. T F7 e hind feet of afrog have four toes. T F8 Snakes don't have legs. T F

    21.3 Listening

    Fill in the extracts with some , any or no . Then listen tocheck your answers.

    1 ere are snakes and stingrays.2 ere are moose.3 ere arerattlesnakes, but there are some asp vipers. 4 Are there dangerousanimals?5 Well, I can tell you that there aren't really dangerousmarine animals in Sweden. 6 e blue and red jelly sh aren'tdangerous, and there are

    dangerous sh, except for the pike.7 ere are brown bears but nopolar bears.


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  • 38

    21.1 Follow-up

    Write the names of the animals below under the correctheading.

    bear bird cat cow crocodile dog elephant fish horse lion monkeymouse owl penguin seal sheep tiger whale

    pet farm zoo/wild

    21.2 Follow-up

    Are these sentences true or false? Discuss.

    1 Your sense of time is in your head. T F2 Babies have blue eyeswhen they are born. T F3 Our eyes receive about 90 percent of allour information. T F4 e fastest growing nail is on the middle nger.T F5 Blondes have more hair. T F6 e smallest bone in your body isin your ear. T F7 Your feet have more bones than any other bodypart. T F8 Right-handed people live longer than le -handed people.T F

    21.3 Follow-up

    Answer the questions using some , any or no . The first one isdone for you.

    1 Are there any penguins at Zooland? (some) Yes, there are somepenguins at Zooland. 2 Are there any rhinoceroses at Zooland? (any)3 Are there any dolphins at Zooland? (some) 4 Are there any bluewhales at Zooland? (no) 5 Are there any tigers at Zooland? (some) 6Are there any kangaroos at Zooland? (any)


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  • 39

    21.1 Language Summary Talking about animals

    The blue whale is the largest animal in the world. The owl hasthe best sense of hearing.The cheetah is the fastest landanimal.The mosquito is considered the most dangerous animal in theworld.The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world.Examples ofwild animals include monkeys, tigers and crocodiles.Examples ofpets , or domestic animals, include dogs , cats and hamsters. Sheep, horses and cows are examples of farm animals.


    21.2 Language Summary Referring to parts of the body

    Body parts

    When an ape stretches out its hand , it is asking forfood.Humans and apes cover their ears with their hands when thereis a lot of noise.Apes have also huge eyes , just like humans. Theyuse their hands and feet to walk. Their fingers have the samelength, and their arms are longer than their legs .Gorillas have avery large head , small ears and no tail . What is interestingabout gorillas is they have a unique nose print. Mosquitoes have 47teeth .Thanks to their necks , giraffes can grow as tall as 19 feetthat's six meters.The tongue of a chameleon is as long as theirbodies .


    21.3 Language Summary Talking about dangerous creatures

    Some animals, such as spiders and snakes , produce venom . Theyare venomous .The hippo is Africa's most dangerous animal .I thinkI'll put on a protective suit to protect me from bee stings andpoisonous bites during my holidays.

    Are there any dangerous animals in the Bahamas?There are somesnakes and stingrays.I heard there aren't any snakes in Italy.There are no rattlesnakes, but there are some asp vipers.



    Step2_01_Unit_21-25.indd 39 27.02.13 15:31

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  • 21


    Talking Point

    1 Answer the following questions.

    A What is a safari field guide? What does he or she do?B Do youthink his or her job is dangerous and/or exciting?C Do you like theidea of going on a safari? What would you like to see and wherewould you like to go?

    2 The life of a safari field guide. Listen and fill in theblanks.

    It's great! You get to drive a jeep in the wild in search oflions and elephants. We A the animals in the wild and the touriststake pictures. Once we saw lions B a giraffe. But my life also hasits difficulties. During the summer, you wake up very early. Thenyou C phone calls from guests in panic: "There's a frog in ourbathroom." So you get up, get dressed and then go and remove thekiller frog from their bathroom. At two o'clock in the morning, youreceive the next phone call: "A bee D me" or "I E a scorpion and itF me." So you get up again and call the doctor. Then you search forthe scorpion and the bee. Finally, you find both one you G and theother you destroy.

    3 Work in pairs.

    A Are there any dangerous animals in your country? Tell eachother about your encounters with dangerous animals. Whathappened?

    B Do you know any jokes or funny stories about animals?

    Wild Experiences

    Wild Experiences

    Step2_01_Unit_21-25.indd 40 27.02.13 15:32

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  • 41

    Tech Museum of Innovation



    TMITech Museum of Innovation

    UNIT 22


    22.1 Discussing the meaning of words22.2 Talking aboutquantities

    22.3 Talking about large and small quantities

    22.1 Reading

    The Tech Museum of Innovation is in San Jose in the middle ofSilicon Valley, California. There are three oors in the museum, andthere is something to do on each one. Before entering the museum,you receive a Tech Tag. A Tech Tag is something that records yourprogress on the exhibits. In the museum, there are also a lot ofvolunteer stations where volunteers explain the exhibits. For thechildren, there's nothing more

    exciting than designing their own rollercoaster. How? By sittingin a seat and watching it on the big screen. You ride in open cars,and it travels at a high speed going up and down. Anyone can do it,and anything is possible.


    Step2_01_Unit_21-25.indd 41 27.02.13 15:32

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  • 42

    22.2 Reading22.2 Reading

    22.3 Reading






    Melanie Clarkson1936 McC Road

    GA - 31054 McIntyre

    Hi Melanie,I thought Hawaii was just beach and suntanning,but

    gu w_h at? ere's a l to do here. I visited the new

    Submarine Museum at Pearl Harbor. It's quite near the

    famous memorial the USS Arizona wr k, too.

    And there are a few monuments around the USS Bowfi n

    Submarine Park & Museum, as well.But l me tell you about theSubmarine Museum.

    Inside, you can see torpedo rooms, the m , the bunk

    beds and the engine room. ere's n much space

    inside, so I don't r ommend it to the claustrophobic.

    Inside the museum, you have hibits on submarin

    and on futuri ic ships. e park i s open om eight to f_i vedaily. I didn't know

    you needed to a ive before four o'clock to tour the

    submarine. I managed to a ive at three o'clock, so I

    only had a li le time to see w_h at was inside. For only

    $10, you have the o ortunity walking through a

    submarine used during the S ond World War. It was

    great. See you soon,Meryl


    e Metropolitan Museum of Ar

    t, o en called the

    Met, is an art museum near Centr

    al Park in New

    York. It has a permanent collectio

    n of more than

    2,000,000works of art. e Met's

    collection of

    American paintings and sculptur

    es includes more

    than 1,000paintings, 600sculptu

    res and

    2,600drawings. Overall, a privat

    e cooperation of

    1,630 people owns the collections.

    Every year, the Costume Institute


    twoseparate shows in the Met's g

    alleries. Each

    show focuses on a special theme

    or designer, such

    as Yves Saint Laurent or Gianni V

    ersace. e

    annual Bene t Gala is a popular e

    vent in the

    fashion world.

    How many people came to the la

    st one? Well, there

    were 700 available tickets.

    How much did they pay for each

    ticket? Tickets

    started at $6,500per person.

    No wonder the museum is conside

    red one of the

    greatest in the world. Next time y

    ou are in New

    York, don't forget to visit it.


    Step2_01_Unit_21-25.indd 42 27.02.13 15:33

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  • 43

    22.1 Listening

    Listen and fill in the blanks.

    Guide: Hello, everyone. My name's Jane. Welcome to the WaxMuseum of VIPs. For the next thirty minutes, I'd like to show youaround the museum. You can take pictures, but 1 with a ash. And 2can eat during the visit. OK, then. Please follow me. On your le ,you can see someone holding 3 . Who can tell me who she is and whatshe is holding?

    Guest 1: at's Mother Teresa from Calcutta. What do you 4 thatthing in her hand?Guide: It's called a rosary. Can 5 tell me whothat is? He looks like a knight.Guest 2: What's a knight?Guide:It's 6 who lived in the Middle Ages, rode on a horse and protectedpeople. But this

    man is not a knight. His name is William Shakespeare.Guest 1:Isn't he the famous English poet who wrote Romeo and Juliet?Guide:at's right. Let's continue. As we turn the corner, you can see thevery famous

    22.2 Listening

    Listen to some facts about the Met and complete theextracts.

    1 How art is in the Met's permanent collection?2 ere are morethan works of art.3 How departments are there in this collection?4It had visitors.5 How oor space does the Met have?6 How separateshows does the Costume Institute hold every year in the Met'sgalleries?7 e price for an adult ticket is $ . 8 How time do youneed to see it all?

    22.3 Listening

    Listen to the dialogue and complete the extracts with one of thefollowing options:

    a few , a little , a lot of , many or much .

    1 So there were people?2 Yes. I could only stay inside for timewith people. 3 Not . 4 I mean, are there pieces of history inside?5Yes, there was artwork inside and, best of all, there wasair-conditioning.6 I didn't spend time inside. 7 ere weren'toptions.


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  • 44

    22.1 Follow-up

    Complete the sentences using who for people and which forthings.

    Example: A teacher is someone who teaches. A book is somethingwhich you read.

    1 A mechanic .2 A doctor .3 A waitress .4 An actor .

    5 A pen .6 A toothbrush .7 Soap .8 A knife .

    22.2 Follow-up

    Write the numbers in words.

    1 2,345 2 23,345 3 233,789 4 209,908 5 4,789,321

    22.3 Follow-up

    Make sentences or questions.

    1 tra c / much / ? Is there much tra c in your town? 2 schools /not many 3 museums / many / ? 4 swimming pools / a few 5 pollution/ a little 6 tourism / much / ? 7 work / not much


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  • 45

    22.1 Language Summary Discussing the meaning of words

    There is something to do on each floor.There's nothing moreexciting than designing your own rollercoaster. There's nobody / noone inside the office at the moment.On your left, you can seesomeone/somebody holding something . Can anyone tell me who thatis?There isn't anybody/anyone on the phone.Is there anything in theoven?A teacher is someone who teaches.A book is somethingwhich/that you read.

    What do you call that thing in her hand? It's called arosary.

    What's a knight ? It's someone who lived in the Middle Ages,rode on a horse and protected people.


    22.2 Language Summary Talking about quantities

    The Met has a permanent collection of more than two millionworks of art. There are more than one thousand, two hundred (and)fifty-four paintings in our building.

    Yves Saint Laurent or Gianni Versace were famous fashiondesigners .

    How many people came to the last show? Well, there were 700tickets available. How many visitors did the Met have in 2009? Howmany separate shows does the Costume Institute hold every year inthe Met's galleries?

    How much time do you need to see it all? How much did they payper ticket? Tickets started at $6,500 per person. How much art isin the Met's permanent collection?


    22.3 Language Summary Talking about large and smallquantities

    There's not much space inside. It's not for the claustrophobic.Ididn't spend much time inside.So there were a lot of people .Arethere many pieces of history inside?Is there much trafficthere?There weren't many options . I only saw a few people .Imanaged to arrive at three o'clock, so I only had a little time tosee what was inside.



    Step2_01_Unit_21-25.indd 45 04.03.13 12:25

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  • 22


    Talking Point

    1 Discuss.

    A What board games are you familiar with?B Do you know any gameshows? Make a list.C Choose one of the game shows and describe therules of the game.D What subjects are you good at? What is yourarea of expertise?

    2 Use the Resource Sheet to play Who Wants to Be aMillionaire?

    Work in groups of three. One of you has the answers, and theother two take their turns playing. If one learner doesn't get theanswer right, you can ask the other learner. The winner is the onewho has the most money at the end of the game.

    3 Now it's your turn. In pairs make up your own quiz. Ask eachother similar questions about your area of expertise. You canchoose from the list below:

    traveling museums and art sports and equipment science animalsgeneral knowledge


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  • 47

    23.1 Reading


    23.1 Reading

    UNIT 23


    23.1 Discussing requirements and abilities23.2 Describingactions

    23.3 Talking about precautions

    Melissa is talking about the skills she needs for her job as anaccountant.

    I'm Melissa. I'm an accountant. I need to be able to do researchwhen I prepare the audit accounts. I also have to be logical. Iknow how to question and advise clients. It's important to havedecision-making, planning and oral communication skills. I amconfident, and I'm able to persuade clients and negotiate withthem. Most of my clients are international clients, so I need tospeak English. At the moment, I'm taking an advanced course inBusiness English.


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  • 48

    23.2 Reading23.2 Reading


    23.3 Reading


    23.3 Reading


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.