Best Selling Smart Home Devices UK | Meteor Electrical (2024)

With rising energy prices, many consumers are looking for highly efficient electrical devices. One of the best ways consumers can practice efficiency is by creating a connected home. Smart home products are designed to use energy more efficiently while providing comfort and convenience.

Smart home technology comes with multiple benefits that help you reduce energy consumption and save costs in the long run. Smart home device ownership is steadily rising in the UK. In 2022, approximately 45% of UK households owned a smart home device, which is expected to rise in the upcoming years (Statista, 2023.).

With technology evolving every year, you can expect even more convenient devices on the market. If you want to start building a connected home or want to learn more about these appliances, here are some important statistics on the best-selling smart home devices UK.

The Future Of Smart Home Devices

Energy efficiency is a major concern for many modern consumers, which is why smart devices are extremely popular nowadays. In today’s modern many people own at least one smart device.

With innovative technology, we can expect even more high-quality products in the future. Here are some important statistics that highlight the future of smart home devices.

  • Since there are more smart products now than ever, there will be new standards in the future that will determine how well these devices work. Many electronic industry experts believe that Matter software will gain popularity in 2023 as it allows multiple smart home devices to interact with each other (livingetc, 2022). This revolutionary standard will change the way consumers interact with their smart products. Matter-compatible devices remove the need for multiple apps to control various smart devices. With this standard, you can easily elevate your comfort and convenience.
  • The smart home devices market is expected to experience a boom in the next 5 years. Market research indicates that almost 130 million households are expected to own at least one smart device (weforum, 2019).
  • The global spending on internet of things products is expected to reach 1.1 trillion USD by 2023 (weforum, 2022). This figure highlights a significant growth in the demand for smart home devices.
  • The number of smart homes worldwide is expected to surpass 350 million by 2023 (Statista, 2021).
  • Smart home device shipments are expected to increase in 2023 as the global installed base of these devices will exceed 2 billion in 2022 (digitaltveurope, 2023). The smart home device industry suffered some setbacks due to wage stagnation and high levels of unemployment. Consumers could not afford to purchase or maintain such devices leading to a decline in shipment however, with the economic market slowly recovering, the ownership of smart devices is expected to increase in the upcoming years.

The Growth Of Smart Home Devices Worldwide

Smart homes are modern homes with smart devices and appliances that homeowners control using their smartphones, tablet, or home assistant hub. Some smart devices can also streamline other tasks around the house for ease and comfort.

There is an increasing push for these products worldwide during interest in high-quality tech products that make life easier. Here are some important statistics that highlight the demand for smart home devices worldwide.

  • In 2022, the smart home market is projected to reach a revenue of 117.60 billion USD (Statista, 2023). This revenue has been on an upwards trend since 2017. With this statistic, we can see that 2017 was the catalyst for the high demand for smart home devices therefore, the demand is set to rise even more in the years beyond 2022.
  • The current revenue is expected to increase with an annual growth rate of 13.64%, leading to an estimated market volume of 222.90 billion USD by 2027 (Statista, 2023). With a larger market share, you can expect even more innovative and intuitive smart home devices in the future.
  • It is important to look at past data to understand the demand for these products. In 2018, the smart home market experienced its biggest growth yet, at an increase of 34.2% from the previous year. The market registered a revenue of 53.4 billion in 2018 (oberlo, 2019). This statistic allows us to chart the biggest year in the smart home industry. In 2018, many people were more familiar with and interested in innovative technology leading to a higher demand for smart home products.
  • The active number of households is expected to reach 672.6m uses by 2027 in the smart home device market (Statista, 2023).
  • Even without ownership, more and more people are becoming aware of smart home devices. The household penetration of smart home marketing will be 14.2% in 2022, and this number is expected to reach 28.8% by 2027 (Statista, 2023). Extensive marketing behind smart home products leads to more purchases. Therefore, smart product manufacturers should also focus on marketing to increase their product’s demands.
  • Smart home devices include various appliances and products (oberlo, 2023). The demand for smart home products varies across different items. Here is the market share for some of the most popular smart home devices:
    • Home Security: 17.4 billion USD (15.1 of the market share)
    • Home Entertainment: 12.1 billion USD (10.5%)
    • Lighting And Comfort: 9.7 billion USD (8.3%)
    • Energy Management: 9.1 billion USD (7.8%)

Even though there is an overall increased demand for smart products worldwide, some countries are much further in their ownership of such products. Here are some important statistics that highlight the growth of smart home devices by country.

  • The United States is the number one country for smart homes (Statista, 2023). These figures and statistics show just how big the smart home technology market is in the United States. Many US households rely on smart home technology daily; some even use smart products daily.
  • The US has the largest smart home penetration rate worldwide (Statista, 2020).
  • The US had an estimated 47.4 million smart homes in 2022. As of 2022, there are 140 million homes in the country. This means that nearly 35% of all the homes in the US are smart homes.
  • Smart home sales in the US are projected to reach 47 billion USD in 2025. This figure is twice the size of the sales in 2020 (Statista, 2023).
  • The average American spends $146 on smart home products each year (safewise, 2022).
  • In 2022, 23% of broadband households in the US had three or more smart house devices and appliances (parkassociates, 2021).
  • China is next when it comes to smart home technology growth (Statista, 2021). China is steadily growing its smart home technology market. Many homeowners in china are becoming open to the idea of smart home systems. Smart home tech companies in China expect major revenue due to improved technology and the comfort level associated with smart homes in the coming years.
  • There are 68 million smart households in China out of the 500 million households (Statista, 2021).
  • The smart home technology market in China is expected to grow its review by 23.63 billion USD in 2022 (Statista, 2021)
  • The revenue of smart home products is growing at a steady rate of 15.8%, which will lead to a projected market volume of 42.6 billion USD by 2026 (Statista, 2023)
  • Chine homeowners focus more on connectivity, comfort, and lighting smart devices (researchandmarkets, 2019).
  • By 2026, it is expected the number of active smart households will reach 142 million users. (Statista, 2023).
  • Apart from the UK, Germany is the next biggest market for smart home products in Europe. Germany's smart home market revenue is expected to reach 6.62 billion USD by 2026. This revenue is 1.32 billion USD behind UK’s projected revenue (Statista, 2023) Despite this difference we can see that the Germany smart product market is very close to the UK smart product market. The level of innovation in both these countries can put one market ahead of the other.
  • German residents make an average of 107,480 searches for smart home products every month. Of this figure, 90,500 average searches are for “Smart TV.” (gw-news, 2023).

The Growth Of Smart Home Devices In The UK

The UK is one of the fastest-growing markets for smart home products and Europe. Many UK residents are familiar with smart home products and are likely to purchase multiple smart home appliances.

Here are some important statistics highlighting the growth of smart home devices in the UK.

  • There are 5.3 million households out of the total 27.8 households in the UK that use smart home products. This statistic shows that 19.7% of UK households have smart products (saasindustry, 2023) Due to this rate, The United Kingdom comes behind The United States and China.
  • In 2022, the smart home market revenue in the UK is expected to reach 7.85 billion USD or 6.58 billion GBP. (Statista, 2023). This figure shows a steady upwards trend from the past year.
  • The UK smart home tech market shows a potential annual growth rate of 16.79%. This growth is estimated to increase the value of the market to 12.28 billion GBP by 2027 (Statista, 2020). With a lucrative market, consumers can expect better products that are far more efficient than current devices. A bigger market could also have the potential for more economical products allowing more people access to smart devices.
  • As mentioned before, UK residents are much more likely to purchase smart devices. The current household penetration rate for smart devices in the UK is 45.8%, making up almost half of the region’s population. This number is expected to grow significantly to 98.8% by 2027. (Statista, 2022). With this figure, we can see that the UK is a key market for smart home product manufacturers; therefore, it is important to produce quality products that will increase growth and demand.
  • In a 2018 survey, approximately 66.4 million, or 23% of UK residents, have a smart item. Out of this figure, 8% have two or more smart devices (yougov, 2018). Since this survey was conducted in 2018, we can expect this number to have increased in the current year as there is a steady demand for smart devices.
  • UK households spend £33 billion on smart devices during the pandemic. (insightdiy, 2021). Since many people were quarantining or staying safe at home, there was an increased demand for smart products to make home living more comfortable.
  • 24.9% of UK internet users between the ages of 16 and 64 own at least one smart home device (finbold, 2021).
  • Ireland also ranks high for smart product use, with 22% of users (finbold, 2021)
  • Currently, there are 2.22 million smart homes in the UK (thecoexperts, 2022.). To create a smart home, there needs to be a smart central hub that links other smart or ordinary devices. This significant number highlights that more and more people are open to this type of technology in their homes.
  • 64% of UK residents spent money on smart products in 2018. Out of this figure, 42% of the residents have spent at least £100 (smarthomeweek, 2018). With this statistic, we can see that people in the UK are willing to spend money on products that make their life more comfortable. Since market experts forecast that smart technology is growing, it is safe to say that many people will want to spend money on high-quality smart products that are energy efficient and easy to use.
  • The average expenditure on smart products and devices is expected to increase by 30% (smarthomeweek, 2018).
  • Word of mouth and opinion is important for UK homeowners. 35% of UK residents reach out to family and friends for opinions about purchasing smart products (smarthomeweek, 2018). This figure highlights that user experience is important to people when purchasing smart products. Therefore, many people seek out smart products to improve their daily lives, and it is important to invest in smart products that provide this benefit.
  • People are eager to purchase smart home products, which shows major potential growth for the smart home industry. 40% of people in the UK research for less than an hour before purchasing a smart product or appliance (smarthomeweek, 2018)
  • However, some people in the UK have some concerns about smart technology. 62% of people are worried about cyber security and hacking with smart home systems (smarthomeweek, 2018). To avoid such issues, it is important for smart product companies to take measures to ensure cyber safety for their consumers. Ensuring such features will drive up interest in smart technology.

Best Selling Smart Home Devices UK

As mentioned before, multiple products, devices, and appliances come under smart homes. Each device comes with a unique application and set of benefits however, each of these products brings you one step closer to building a smart home. Here are the best selling smart home devices in the UK.

Smart TVs

When most people think of smart products, they think of smart TVs. Due to increasing digitisation and the improvement of high-speed internet, many people are turning to smart TVs as the first step to creating a smart home.

If you are looking for smart TV products, here are some statistics that will help you make a decision.

  • In the UK, the smart TV household penetration rate reached 67% in 2021, showing signs of further future growth (Statista, 2022).
  • Smart TV penetration is also much higher than in 2014, when only 11% of homes were aware of this product (Statista, 2022). By following this trend, we can expect a far bigger upward trend in the future.
  • There are several great smart TV brands to choose from however, over 30% of UK residents prefer the Samsung Tizen TV. (broadbandtvnews, 2019).

These high consumption numbers in the UK show that many people are willing to switch to smart TVs. Smart TVs also tend to provide a better user experience and entertainment solution.

  • In the UK, 52% of media consumption is done through connecting smart TVs (insiderintelligence, 2019). This figure shows that many people are willing to switch to smart TVs from traditional television sets.
  • 55% of British residents own a smart TV making it one of the most popular smart devices in the UK behind smartphones (insightdiy, 2020).
  • In 2019, the time spent by users with digital/smart media surpassed that spent with traditional media. This figure shows high levels of adaption and use of smart media in the UK (insiderintelligence, 2019)
  • The ownership of smart TV has risen by 76% worldwide. This number shows the number of households purchasing and using smart TVs in 2022. There is a 6% increase from last year, as in 2021, the household ownership of smart TVs was 70%. (tvtechnology, 2023)
  • The market value of smart TV is on the rise. In 2020, the market value for smart TVs was approximately 100 million USD. Market experts forecast growth of 120 million USD from 2022 to 2026 (marketwatch, 2020)
  • Many modern smart TVs use LED technology, providing high energy savings for consumers. In fact, Smart LED TVs consume an average of 100 watts, whereas LCD and plasma TVs consume 150-300 watts based on a 50-inch TV size (paylesspower, 2020)

Smart TVs are becoming popular in many households. The popularity of such TVs has prompted manufacturers to produce energy-efficient and environmentally products. Many Smart TVs are built with LED technology that ensures your TVs consume less energy while on and when on standby mode.

Energy efficiency is becoming very common in smart products as many manufacturers not only want to modernise your home but they also want you to save on energy bills.

Smart Speakers

Besides smart TVs, smart speakers are another popular device commonly used in many households. These speakers do so much more than just play music they also follow commands through voice control.

With these speakers, you can use several paired devices hands-free. Even virtual home assistant devices come under the umbrella of smart speakers.

If you are interested in purchasing this device and want to learn more about your existing smart speakers, here are some interesting statistics highlighting this appliance's importance.

  • Smart speakers take the next spot as one of the best selling smart home devices UK, with approximately 11% of UK consumers owning one. Among this number, 69% of the consumers chose Amazon Echo as their preferred brand. In comparison, only 19% of the consumers preferred Google Home (thecoexperts, 2022). With this statistic, it is clear that many consumers prefer having a virtual home assistant to create a connected home. Manufacturers of such devices should take note of this demand to create high-quality products that emphasise efficiency and convenience.
  • Even worldwide, many people are willing to purchase smart speakers, especially Amazon Alexa devices. According to a market report, over 100 million Amazon speakers have been sold in the US alone (martech, 2019) This figure indicates the popularity of smart speakers products, especially Amazon Alexa; however, market experts expect a dip in demand for such products as many consumers have limited options for using them. Manufacturers should highlight the benefits and applications of these devices when marketing them to the average consumer.
  • UK residents have two common criteria when choosing their ideal smart speaker. 59.2% of consumers are looking for good sound quality when choosing a smart speaker. A speaker device that understands commands takes up the second spot at 58.5% (swotly, 2021) .
  • One of the most frequently asked questions for smart speakers includes how-to instructions (33.9%), history topics (24.8%), maths (20.3%), and science (15.2%). Other important topics include news and music (swotly, 2019). Manufacturers can use this data to accommodate various topics to reach various consumers.

Smart speakers are very popular in the UK due to their varied applications. Apart from playing music, smart speakers can carry out other tasks and help other paired devices follow commands through voice control.

With this data, we can see that many consumers are open to having a smart speaker in their homes; however, the demand for this product is at risk of slowing down in the upcoming years.

Many consumers are not aware of the usefulness of this product therefore, marketing efforts explaining the many benefits and application of smart speakers is crucial.

Smart Light Bulbs

Smart lighting is another popular way people turn their standard homes into smart homes. These modern light bulbs are energy-efficient and provide various capabilities that are not available in regular light bulbs.

Incandescent lights are slowly being phased out in several countries due to their high-energy consumption and negative environmental impact.

To replace such bulbs, manufacturers created LED light bulbs, and in some cases, manufacturers design these bulbs with smart capabilities for even more energy saving benefits. Here are some important statistics about smart light bulbs.

  • The global market size for smart lighting was estimated to be worth 10.9 billion USD in 2021 (marketsandmarkets, 2020). This figure shows that there is significant interest in smart lighting worldwide. One reason for this popularity could be the developing economics and acceptance of electricity standards.
  • The United Kingdom is one of the top five countries for LED light use and production (mordorintelligence, 2020).
  • Approximately 14% of the light bulb owners in UK households use LEDs, marking a major step towards efficiency in the region (electricalreview, 2019). While 14% does not seem like a significant number, this accounts for over 300,000 households out of England’s 27.8 million households ).
  • Recently, UK’s light market experienced some setbacks. The value of the electric lighting market dropped to 907 million GBP, and the import value of lights and fittings reached 1.3 billion GBP (Statista, 2022). With these figures, we can see why the lighting market is suffering a setback in England. Many people are using imported lights instead of lighting fixtures. England’s light manufacturers should use this to improve lighting fixtures and provide consumers with more energy-saving options.
  • Despite the setbacks, many market experts believe that LED lighting will increase significantly in the coming years. In recent years, many consumers are opting for LED lights due to their improved light output and quality (ecatoday, 2019).
  • There is increasing awareness about lighting and energy products in the UK population. According to recent surveys, 25% of consumers look at internet reviews before purchasing a lighting product. Many of these consumers also rank energy efficiency high on their list of requirements for light bulbs.
  • After the ban on incandescent and traditional light bulbs, the demand for LED lighting is increasing significantly in the UK. The demand has grown almost 3.5 times in a 10 year period (reogma, 2020).
  • The sales of LED light bulbs have been steadily rising in the UK. In 2018, the light bulb market generated 149 million GBP in sales revenue. This marked a 100 million GBP increase from 2008 (statista, 2019 ). One reason for this sharp increase could be linked to the phasing out of the inefficient light bulbs. In 2009, the UK government set forth plans to phase out all incandescent light bulbs driving more sales towards energy efficient LED lights.

As mentioned before, many consumers seek smart products due to their energy efficiency, and smart lighting is no different. Here are some important ways smart light bulbs exercise energy efficiency.

  • A typical incandescent bulb with 1600 lumens consumes 100 watts compared to an LED bulb that consumes between 15-20 watts with the same lumen value. (ledlightinginfo, ). With this figure, we can see a staggering difference between incandescent light bulbs and LED bulbs. LED bulbs provide high-intensity brightness while consuming less energy.
  • LED smart bulbs consume 90% less energy than traditional or incandescent lightbulbs (digitaltrends, 2018).
  • In the UK, the annual energy cost for running smart LED light bulbs 24 hours a day is £23.14. In comparison, the energy cost of running an incandescent light 24 hours a day is £154.28 (thecoexperts, 2021). With smart LEDs, you gain savings of approximately £131 annually. This shows a major cost difference between a conventional bulb and LED lighting.
  • LED light has little to no UV emission. LED light models produce a single light that converts the blue light into a white light with the help of phosphors. Since this blue light is relatively pure, it produces no UV emissions (sciencing, 2023). This quality provides even more environmental benefits to an LED bulb.
  • LED bulbs have an improved quality of brightness compared to other light bulbs. These light bulbs provide more focus than an incandescent light bulb, so you don’t have to spend more on purchasing multiple light bulbs. (consumenergyalliance, 2020).
  • LED smart lights have a lifespan of 50,000 to 100,000 hours. This is significantly higher than the lifespan of incandescent bulbs at 1,200 (stouchlighting, 2018). With a longer lifespan you don’t need to spend a lot of money on replacement costs and this feature will also help you save money on energy in the long run.
  • Market experts forecast that smart lighting will take up 86% of all lighting sales due to the numerous benefits of LED bulbs (marketandmarkets, 2021).
  • Smart features are important for LED lights because 30% of light energy consumption can go to waste without proper control (marketandmarkets, 2021).
  • Smart light provides a better degree of control over your lighting as you can operate them from anywhere with the help of an app.

With these figures, the common trend is that smart lighting has a significant staying power. Since most smart lights use LED bulbs, consumers will enjoy numerous benefits after purchasing these high-tech lighting solutions.

However, one major limitation makes consumers hesitate to purchase LED lights. These lighting solutions have higher upfront costs that could make it difficult for budget-conscious to make a purchase (marketandmarkets, 2021).

Many smart lights have a high production cost due to the various components and features of bulb structure. Manufacturers can overcome this by creating a budget-friendly option for consumers.

Smart Heating And Thermostats

With rising energy costs, investing in efficient heating and cooling systems is important. Smart heating is another one of the best selling smart home devices UK due to its energy efficiency and advanced controllability.

Smart heaters are rising in popularity as they provide on-demand efficient heating with a lower energy cost. Here are some important statistics about smart heaters.

  • The Global smart heating and thermostat market is expected to reach 11.36 billion USD in 2027. Market experts forecast a 28% value increase between 2020 to 2027. (alliedmarketresearch, 2019.).
  • The spending on smart thermostats increased by 30% during the Covid-19 pandemic (earthweb, 2022).
  • Many households suffer from high energy bills due to high heat energy consumption. In the UK, heating costs take up over half the monthly bill in an average household (energysavingtrust, 2022). With this statistic, it is clear that heating is a major source of energy wastage.
  • By switching to smart heating systems, households can save up to 6% on their annual energy bills (sciencedirect, 2021). This represents an average number, and the amount of savings can fluctuate depending on how often you use your heating unit. One major advantage of a smart heating unit is that you receive efficient warmth; therefore, you don’t have to keep your heater running for a long time like you would a standard space heater.
  • Smart heaters with a programmable thermostat can help you save an average of 10% to 20% on energy bills (jacobsheating, 2021)
  • Even though smart heating systems have high upfront costs, many smart heating manufacturers guarantee the device will pay for itself in two years (comfyliving, 2022).
  • Smart water heaters can earn owners an average of £170 savings per year. (Green Tech Media (greentechmedia, 2016).

As mentioned earlier, heating is a major area of energy consumption worldwide. To overcome this energy waste, many homeowners are switching to smart heaters. Due to this demand, the smart heating market has a lot of room for growth.

Smart Plugs

Smart plugs are a great way to turn your ordinary devices smart. These modern plugs allow you to control your devices and appliances so you can control how much energy they consume. Smart plugs might be smaller in size, but they provide several energy saving benefits.

Many appliances do not fully shut off. Instead, they go into standby mode, which keeps consuming electricity. Smart plugs are extremely important for reducing energy loss through standby mode. If you want to start creating a smart home, here are a few statistics highlighting this device's various benefits.

  • Around 40% of a building’s electricity consumption comes from devices plugged into switches and sockets. This energy does not come from devices in use; instead, it is consumed when these devices are left on standby mode (wired, 2022).
  • Even though the smart plug market share is smaller than other smart products, there is much room for growth. In 2020, the global market for smart plugs reached 4.92 billion USD; however, market experts forecast a 40% growth in the upcoming years. (emergenresearch, 2022). The 40% figure shows that sales for smart plugs will increase in the upcoming years, and one major reason could be their energy-saving qualities.
  • The actual power draw of standby mode is 0.5 to 30 watts. This is a smaller power draw, but the energy consumption increases when appliances are left on standby for 24 hours. If you have multiple devices on standby, you might be wasting an even larger amount of energy (aceee, 2022).

These statistics highlight the importance of smart plugs. Standby energy costs are hidden charges on your electricity bill. Many people don’t realise the amount of energy and money they waste on these phantom loads. Smart plugs help reduce this energy waste by allowing better control over your appliances. Even though the current smart plug market is small, it shows great potential for growth; therefore, homeowners will benefit significantly by investing in smart plugs.

Current State Of Smart Home Device Ownership UK

Here are some important statistics highlighting the current state of smart device ownership in the UK.

  • Over 80% of UK residents use smart products for entertainment purposes. This includes Bluetooth speakers, smart TVs, etc. (Statista, 2022).
  • Over 35% of consumers prefer using a smart virtual home assistant such as Amazon Echo or Google Home. (Statista, 2022).
  • One of the least popular smart home devices include appliances such as robot vacuums, smart microwaves, smart refrigerators, etc. (Statista, 2022),

These statistics highlight the best-selling smart home devices the UK and help us predict the most popular products in the coming years.

Best Selling Smart Home Devices UK | Meteor Electrical (2024)
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