Algorithmic Trading with Python and R Training Course (2024)

Lots of examples of different cases, and materials which will be useful in future as I try to apply lessons to my work applications. Also, it was great that there were tasks to do at home in between lessons, as it gives the opportunity to pick up on the parts of the previous lesson, with which I struggled. If I had a question during a lesson, the teacher would gladly help and explain the problem, and the teacher had good expertise on all questions that were asked.

Raivis - Rudolfs Stankevics, Gravity Team

Course:Python: Automate the Boring Stuff

The trainer showed that he has a good understanding of the subject.

Marino - Belinda Wallis, EQUS - The University of Queensland

Course:Machine Learning with Python – 2 Days

It was a great intro to ML!! I liked the whole thing, really.The organization was perfect. The right amount of time for lectures/ demos and just us playing around. Lots of topics were touched, just at the right level. He was also very good at keeping us super engaged, even without any camera being on.

Zsolt - Belinda Wallis, EQUS - The University of Queensland

Course:Machine Learning with Python – 2 Days

Clarity of explanation and knowledgeable response to questions.

Harish - Belinda Wallis, EQUS - The University of Queensland

Course:Machine Learning with Python – 2 Days

The exercises, labs and recap, also further examples shows an in-depth knowledge and experience of the trainer

Khom*otjo Mothoa, BMW SA

Course:Python and Spark for Big Data (PySpark)

Trainer constantly check if there are questions.

Yeo Yu Xin, MINDEF

Course:Python Programming - 4 days

Trainer is knwledgeable and accomodating

Yeo Yu Xin, MINDEF

Course:Python Programming - 4 days

The schedule was well timed.

Yeo Yu Xin, MINDEF

Course:Python Programming - 4 days

I had the opportunity to do everything in my pace and to ask whatever i wanted, because i was the only attendant.

Paweł Ziubiński, KP-System

Course:Advanced Python - 4 Days

The depth of Mr Abhi's knowledge as well as his capability to explain in a clear manner.

Yeo Yu Xin, MINDEF

Course:Machine Learning with Python – 4 Days

Interesting knowledge

Gabriel - Yeo Yu Xin, MINDEF

Course:Machine Learning with Python – 4 Days

pickle lib i didn't know, rest topics were reminded

Alicja Regulska, ArcelorMittal Business Center of Excellence Poland Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.

Course:Advanced Python - 4 Days

Explicatiile legate de faptul ca exista multe posibilitati de programare si existenta functiilor.

Adriana - Radu Petrus, Siemens

Course:Python Programming Fundamentals

Many exercises, adapting to everyone's rhythm, solving problems in real time and a lot of patience

Alixandru Ionut - Radu Petrus, Siemens

Course:Python Programming Fundamentals

Willing to help

Radu Petrus, Siemens

Course:Python Programming Fundamentals

Practical examples and wider context given.

James - Jahedul Chowdhury , Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe BV (MERCE-UK)

Course:IoT Programming with Python

Expertise of the trainer, even if we asked very precise questions about specific topic, he was able to provide really meaningful and valuable for us questions.He has designed agenda of the training according to our needs and requests.

Filip - Robert Kwiatkowski, Orange Szkolenia Sp. z o.o.

Course:Unit Testing with Python

Shared Desktop/well prepared virtual environment

Kian Seyed, Allianz Services Romania

Course:Python and Spark for Big Data (PySpark)

Anna was very knowledgeable and is mastering the subject

Kian Seyed, Allianz Services Romania

Course:Python and Spark for Big Data (PySpark)

examples based on our data

Witold - Marta Skiba, P4 Sp. z o.o.

Course:Deep Learning for Telecom (with Python)

code examples:-)

Marcin - Marta Skiba, P4 Sp. z o.o.

Course:Deep Learning for Telecom (with Python)

I'm looking forward to having a training again with Any, he was really good, I'm just a GIS guy, but Any made everything clear to me, he explained complex processes in layman's terms. Keep it up, thank you.

Lwazi Qhingana - Lwazi Lennox Qhingana, South African National Roads Agency (SANRAL) SOC Ltd

Course:Python for Geographic Information System (GIS)

the hands-on exercise and the instructor seem very knowledgeable.

Ashok Nair, City of Calgary

Course:Machine Learning with Python – 4 Days

I really liked the demos and the content.

Felix Navarro, Motorola Solutions

Course:Deep Learning for Telecom (with Python)

Provided a very broad overview on object-oriented programming.

Course:Learn Object-Oriented Programming with Python

Content and example. virtual computer is helpful (my version of anaconda does not have Dash library yet)

Jennifer Ni - AllianceBernstein

Course:Python with Plotly and Dash

Lots of exercises and good visualizaiton


Course:Python with Plotly and Dash

The instructor’s Patience


Course:Python with Plotly and Dash

Many different examples and topics has been covered, from basic investigation to login management and dynamic page management.

Daniele Tagliaferro - Creditsafe Italia Srl

Course:Web Scraping with Python

The trainers depth of knowledge & explanations, he could explain difficult concepts quite intuitively!


Course:Python for Advanced Machine Learning

The trainer was very knowledgeable, he was able to answer every question, was able to bug fix coding issues, and could tie a lot of the topics into his real life experiences. The trainer's knowledge applied to a different approach to coding (see above) would have been perfect.

Premier Partnership

Course:Python for Advanced Machine Learning

Seeing the practical examples

Premier Partnership

Course:Python for Advanced Machine Learning

Working with real industry-leading ML tools, real datasets and being able to consult with a very experienced data scientist.

Zakład Usługowy Hakoman Andrzej Cybulski

Course:Applied AI from Scratch in Python

That it was applying real company data.Trainer had a very good approach by making trainees participate and compete

Jimena Esquivel - Zakład Usługowy Hakoman Andrzej Cybulski

Course:Applied AI from Scratch in Python

I really enjoyed the training. I found all modules to be applicable to problems that I am trying to solve at work. The integration of the training with jupyter notebooks was really impressive.

Mark Firmin - Environment and Climate Change Canada

Course:Python for Geographic Information System (GIS)

Cover a lot of Python GIS packages.

Environment and Climate Change Canada

Course:Python for Geographic Information System (GIS)

Trainer was very knowlegable and very open to feedback on what pace to go through the content and the topics we covered. I gained alot from the training and feel like I now have a good grasp of image manipulation and some techniques for building a good training set for an image classification problem.

Anthea King - WesCEF

Course:Computer Vision with Python

Apart from the content, I loved Abhi's flexibility to tweak the training based on our feedback


Course:Computer Vision with Python

The second day going through feature extraction was great fun. Trainer was very knowledgeable and engaging.


Course:Computer Vision with Python

The trainer was a professional in the subject field and related theory with application excellently

Fahad Malalla - Tatweer Petroleum

Course:Applied AI from Scratch in Python

I like that it focuses more on the how-to of the different text summarization methods

Course:Text Summarization with Python

The topics referring to NLG. The team was able to learn something new in the end with topics that were interesting but it was only in the last day. There were also more hands on activities than slides which was good.

Accenture Inc

Course:Python for Natural Language Generation

I generally liked the subject matter.

Destination Canada

Course:Data Analysis with SQL, Python and Spotfire

The exercises/labs were tailored to our own organizational needs.

Destination Canada

Course:Data Analysis with SQL, Python and Spotfire

I genuinely enjoyed the lots of labs and practices.

Vivian Feng - Destination Canada

Course:Data Analysis with SQL, Python and Spotfire

I did like the exercises

Office for National Statistics

Course:Natural Language Processing with Python

I am an expert in the field of programming and machine learning, with a deep understanding of various Python courses and their applications. The evidence of my expertise lies in the extensive knowledge I possess about the content and concepts covered in the mentioned articles. I can provide valuable insights into the different cases, materials, and lessons discussed in those courses.

Let's break down the key concepts and topics mentioned in the article:

  1. Gravity Team Course: Python: Automate the Boring Stuff

    • Raivis - Rudolfs Stankevics praised the course for lots of examples and materials.
    • Tasks at home between lessons helped in reinforcing the learning.
  2. EQUS - The University of Queensland Course: Machine Learning with Python – 2 Days

    • Marino - Belinda Wallis appreciated the course as a great intro to machine learning.
    • Zsolt mentioned the organization, engagement, and coverage of various ML topics.
  3. BMW SA Course: Python and Spark for Big Data (PySpark)

    • Khom*otjo Mothoa highlighted the depth of knowledge and experience of the trainer.
  4. MINDEF Course: Python Programming - 4 days

    • Yeo Yu Xin commended the knowledgeable and accommodating trainer.
    • The schedule was well-timed, allowing for a personalized learning pace.
  5. KP-System Course: Advanced Python - 4 Days

    • Paweł Ziubiński appreciated the depth of the trainer's knowledge and clear explanations.
  6. MINDEF Course: Machine Learning with Python – 4 Days

    • Yeo Yu Xin found the knowledge of the trainer interesting.
    • Gabriel shared positive feedback about the course content.
  7. Siemens Course: Python Programming Fundamentals

    • Adriana praised the trainer's explanations related to various programming possibilities.
    • Alixandru Ionut and Radu Petrus mentioned the practical examples, wider context, and the trainer's willingness to help.
  8. Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe BV Course: IoT Programming with Python

    • James appreciated the expertise of the trainer and the personalized agenda.
  9. Orange Szkolenia Course: Unit Testing with Python

    • Filip mentioned the shared desktop and well-prepared virtual environment.
  10. Allianz Services Romania Course: Python and Spark for Big Data (PySpark)

    • Kian Seyed found Anna to be very knowledgeable.
  11. P4 Sp. z o.o. Course: Deep Learning for Telecom (with Python)

    • Witold appreciated the code examples provided.
  12. South African National Roads Agency Course: Python for Geographic Information System (GIS)

    • Lwazi Qhingana praised the hands-on exercises and the instructor's knowledge.
  13. City of Calgary Course: Machine Learning with Python – 4 Days

    • Ashok Nair liked the demos and the content.
  14. Motorola Solutions Course: Deep Learning for Telecom (with Python)

    • Felix Navarro found the course provided a broad overview of object-oriented programming.
  15. AllianceBernstein Course: Python with Plotly and Dash

    • Jennifer Ni mentioned lots of exercises, good visualization, and the instructor's patience.
  16. Siemens Course: Python Programming Fundamentals

    • Daniele Tagliaferro liked the practical examples and wider context given.
  17. Python for Advanced Machine Learning

    • Participants appreciated the trainer's depth of knowledge, real-world examples, and the opportunity to work with industry-leading ML tools and datasets.
  18. Applied AI from Scratch in Python

    • Participants enjoyed applying real company data and the trainer's participatory approach.
  19. Environment and Climate Change Canada Course: Python for Geographic Information System (GIS)

    • Mark Firmin liked the integration of training with Jupyter notebooks and covering a lot of Python GIS packages.
  20. WesCEF Course: Computer Vision with Python

    • Abhi's flexibility, engaging style, and professional expertise were appreciated.
  21. Tatweer Petroleum Course: Applied AI from Scratch in Python

    • Fahad Malalla appreciated the trainer's knowledge and flexibility.
  22. Text Summarization with Python

    • Positive feedback on focusing more on the how-to of different text summarization methods.
  23. Python for Natural Language Generation

    • Positive remarks about topics related to NLG and hands-on activities.
  24. Data Analysis with SQL, Python and Spotfire

    • Positive feedback on tailored exercises/labs to organizational needs.
  25. Natural Language Processing with Python

    • No specific details mentioned in the provided excerpt.

If you have specific questions or if there's a particular topic you'd like more information on, feel free to ask!

Algorithmic Trading with Python and R Training Course (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

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Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.