10 things you can do to reduce your energy costs (2024)

Hastoe want to do all we can to help you, our residents. There are some small changes around the house that can have a big impact on our finances.

What's the latest?

The Energy Price Guarantee was recently launched by the Government, which will reduce the unit cost of electricity and gas so that a typical household in Great Britain pays, on average,around £2,500 a year on their energy bill, for the next two years, from 1 October 2022. This is still a rise from the current £1,971 a year average bill.

Top tips
While millions of households are entitled to financial support to help with the cost of living crisis, in addition you can further cut your costs by making a few adjustments in your home.

Welfare Benefit Advisor, Sarah Allen, gives us her top tips on how to cut costs this autumn.

10 things you can do to reduce your energy costs (1)

Keep devices unplugged

Electronic devices, such as a phone, tablet, TV, dishwasher or washing machine still use energy while on standby whatever the weather. Savings can be made just by remembering to unplug them.

A saving of around £20 a year could be made if you switch off your set top box at the wall when it's not in use. It might also be convenient to leave your router or modem on so you can access the internet anytime but doing so adds to your electricity bill.

You might leave your microwave on standby if on for 23 hours a day this works out at around £16 extra on your bill each year. The Energy Saving Trust have said that a microwave is one of the appliances that will "eat up electricity" when left on standby.

It is also estimated that households could save an average of £12 per year by switching off their game consoles when not in use.

Below are some of the devices which when left on standby which can ‘eat up’ your electricity:


Your TV is one of the most energy-hungry devices in the home when left on standby. A TV uses around 40 watts of energy when it's being used, however still uses up to 10 watts when on standby. The majority of households will have their TV on standby on average around 20 hours a day. So many people would benefit from turning the appliance fully off when not in use.

Internet Router

We understand the convenience of leaving your router or modem on so you can access the internet anytime however doing so could add around £18 to yourelectricity bill a year.

By turning it off completely before bed or before you go on a holiday, you could be saving money on your energy bill.


If you have one use your microwave when possible. You can save energy because it’s quicker than using the oven or stove. It also worth considering a slow cooker too, as they are one of the most energy-efficient kitchen appliances.

Microwaves in the average home generally have a wattage of between 700 and 1,200 watts. A 700 watt model would use 0.7 kilowatts per hour (kWh) and a 1,200 model, 1.2kWh.

What does that mean in terms of cost on the current price cap and the October price cap? The cost of energy is currently 28p perkWh for electricity, on average, but the exact cost will depend on the tariff you're on.

So to run a microwave costs roughly between 20p and 33p per hour. The exact cost will depend on how much you use it, the model you have, and how much you pay for energy.

The Energy Saving Trust says that a microwave is more energy efficient than a traditional gas or electric oven. This is because microwaves only heat your food and not the air space inside, which means they use less energy to cook your dinner.

Switching off your microwave after every use is another way you could make a saving. The Energy Saving Trust also said a microwave is one of the appliances that will "eat up electricity" when left on standby.

Households leave their microwaves on standby for a total of 23 hours a day on average, working out as around £16 extra on your bill each year.


Only boil as much water as you need, by filling your mug/cup with water and pop into your kettle so you're measuring what you need and nothing more!

Games Console

Your Xbox and Playstation use 130 and 120 watts respectively when they’re in use, but still eat up around 10 watts when they’re on standby. It's estimated that households can save an average of £12 per year by switching off their game consoles when not in use.


The majority of households don't switch off their computers, which works out at on average around £11 per year. Some other appliances that might be adding to your energy bills when left on standby include:

  • Shower
  • Dishwasher
  • Tumble dryer
  • Washing machine
  • Printer
  • Phone charger

How can I avoid energy eating devices adding to my energy bills?

British Gas energy expert Marc Robson recommends switching off appliances when not in use such as at night, and not leaving them plugged in for longer than necessary, for example when you're fully charged.

"At night, or when not in use, try switching off devices at the mains rather than switching to standby, as even the standby light on a television uses energy, " he said.

"Try not to overcharge your mobile phone and laptop unnecessarily.

"As soon as your device is charged, try and get into the habit of unplugging it."

He says it's also a good idea to add devices to an extension lead that can be switched off at night - or using smart plugs.

"There are smart plugs you can buy which will let you check everything is turned off from your phone," he added.

"A smart meter's in-home display can help to identify how much energy is used at different times of the day, so you can see where energy is wasted."

What else can I do to save Energy?

Wash on a colder cycle and reduce runs

Running the washing machine on a 30-degree cycle instead of using higher temperatures and limiting their usage can help save energy.

It is estimated that the typical UK household does 270 loads of washing a year. If each load takes an average of one hour, then this puts the annual cost of running your washing machine on average around £91.80. By reducing your washing temperature to 30°C you could save around £13 a year, while cutting further to 20°C could shave £24 off your annual bill.

Switch off the lights

Switch off the light and have your curtains open to let the daylight brighten and sunlight warm your room.

When you need to switch on the lights, try only lighting rooms that are being used and you could save around £20 on your annual energy bills.

Only heat the hot water needed

The way a boiler is set up can make a difference to how much people can save on their heating bills, especially if they have a combi boiler. A boiler's flow rate shows how much hot water it will be able to send to your taps in one minute.

By setting the flow rate for the hot water to somewhere between 50°C-60°C, you can ensure you only heat the hot water you need. When it’s not as cold outside and you don’t need the house to warm up as quickly, you could also reduce the flow rate for heating to this temperature.

Take showers instead of baths

take showers instead of baths and limit time in the shower to 4 mins. You can buy shower timers for about £5 or there are some available for free online at www.savewatersavemoney.co.uk. Your water company may also be able to provide you with one.

Economy 7

Do you use electricity to heat a storage heater, or emersion heater? Or even charge an electric car? Then using Economy 7 could be a better tariff for you. Please check carefully and make sure that timers are set to the correct time. Many providers do not market or actively offer this so it's worth getting in touch with your energy provider.

What help can I get with my energy bills?

There are options available to households struggling with their energy bills. This includes the Household Support Fund through your local Council, the £400 energy rebate, and many households should have received a £150 Council Tax rebate earlier this year.

Energy companies also offer support schemes. They have a responsibility to support customers who are struggling, or who may be vulnerable due to age or health reasons.

What energy bill help is coming?

From 1st October, all households will start to receive a £400 energy bill discount. The payment will be made by your energy supplier and will be split across six discounts between October and March next year. If you pay for your electricity through prepayment or a key meter, you will get your energy discount through redeemable vouchers or the discount will be applied when you top up each time. You should have received a text email or letter from your supplier about this. NB: You must make sure your contact details are up to date with your energy supplier to receive this. If they aren't, please contact your energy supplier immediately.

A household will receive a £66 energy bill discount in October and November and a discount worth £67 in December, January, February and March.

In November, a £300 one off"Pensioner Cost of Living Payment" will be paid out to eight million households. This will be given to those who already get the winter fuel payment- which is worth between £100 and £300 for those over state pension age.

The second Cost of Living payment of £324 is due this autumn if you get a qualifying low income benefit or tax credits. Low income benefits are Universal Credit, income-based Jobseekers Allowance, income-based Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support, Pension Credit, Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit.

Millions of households are also in line to receive the £150 Warm Home Discountbetween December and March 2023.

Check if you can get an energy grant

There are a number of energy grants and schemes open to help you out if you're struggling. Ask your supplier what's on offer and how to apply.

Bulb: www.help.bulb.co.uk Tel. 0300 30 30 635

British Gas:www.britishgas.co.uk/british-gas-energy-support-fund – open to everyone to apply

Eon Energy:www.eonenergyfund.com Tel. 03303 801090

Scottish Power:www.community.scottishpower.co.uk Tel 0121 285 2595

SSE energy and EDF: www.charisgrants.com

Ovo Energy:www.ovoenergy.com

Octopus Energy: https://octopus.energy/policies/extra-support/

You can get free debt advice

If you're in debt there are plenty of services you can contact who offer free advice on how to manage debt. Most of them can offer you free guidance and help in person, over the telephone or online.

You will find other useful links below to services to help you check if you are receiving the right benefits and also contact details for Hastoe’s Benefits & Welfare Advisor’s. Our Benefits & Welfare Advisors are there to provide you with advice and guidance on budgeting, benefits and where you might be able to access additional financial support.

Access Hastoe's Welfare and Benefit service >

10 things you can do to reduce your energy costs (2024)


10 things you can do to reduce your energy costs? ›

Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs to reduce lighting energy use by 75 percent. Replace traffic lights with more energy efficient models. Use Energy Star power management software on your computers. Turn on power save features in office equipment such as copiers and printers.

What are the top 10 ways to save energy? ›

Top 10 energy saving tips
  • Switch off lights and electrical appliances when not using them. ...
  • Switch to energy-saving LED light globes. ...
  • Shut doors and close curtains. ...
  • Understand and improve your home's energy use. ...
  • Manage your heating and cooling. ...
  • Get the best energy deal. ...
  • Insulate your roof. ...
  • Save money with solar energy.
Nov 17, 2023

How can you reduce energy costs? ›

Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs to reduce lighting energy use by 75 percent. Replace traffic lights with more energy efficient models. Use Energy Star power management software on your computers. Turn on power save features in office equipment such as copiers and printers.

What are 5 ways that can reduce the consumption of energy? ›

Here are 15 ways to start conserving energy:
  • Adjust your day-to-day behaviors.
  • Replace your light bulbs.
  • Use smart power strips.
  • Install a programmable thermostat.
  • Use energy-efficient appliances.
  • Reduce water heating expenses.
  • Install energy-efficient windows.
  • Upgrade your HVAC system.

What are 3 ways you can reduce the amount of energy that you use? ›

replace furnace filters every three months to reduce the energy usage of your furnace fan. caulking and weather-stripping around doors and windows to keep heat in and reduce your energy use. switching to LED (light emitting diode) bulbs, which are 75%-90% more energy efficient than an incandescent light bulb.

What is the 10 source of energy? ›

The sun is the main source of energy on Earth. Other energy sources include coal, geothermal energy, wind energy, biomass, petrol, nuclear energy, and many more. Energy is classified into various types based on sustainability as renewable sources of energy and non-renewable sources of energy.

What are 5 ways energy can be stored? ›

Energy can be stored in a variety of ways, including:
  • Pumped hydroelectric. Electricity is used to pump water up to a reservoir. ...
  • Compressed air. Electricity is used to compress air at up to 1,000 pounds per square inch and store it, often in underground caverns. ...
  • Flywheels. ...
  • Batteries. ...
  • Thermal energy storage.
Oct 11, 2023

How to reduce the cost of energy? ›

What can I do? Turn off the power switch on the socket/wall or unplug appliances from the socket when they are not in use. Turning devices to “energy-saving” or “eco” mode is another way to reduce energy consumption.

How do you solve for energy cost? ›

Calculating Energy Costs

The unit of electrical energy is the kilowatt-hour (kWh), found by multiplying the power use (in kilowatts, kW) by the number of hours during which the power is consumed. Multiply that value by the cost per kWh, and you have the total energy cost.

How can energy costs be reduced in a school? ›

HVAC system optimization

Regular check-ups, like a health check for the HVAC systems, can help them perform at their best. Schools can also use save energy by upgrading. Better equipment and smart thermostats that know when to turn on and off, are easy ways to save on energy costs.

How to save energy in school? ›

11 Ways to Save Energy for Schools
  1. Upgrade your lighting to LED. ...
  2. Make sure to turn off all electronics at the end of the school day. ...
  3. Use energy-saving power strips. ...
  4. Take advantage of natural lighting. ...
  5. Invest in solar. ...
  6. Change your energy provider. ...
  7. Take advantage of sensors and timers for lights. ...
  8. Upgrade the cafeteria kitchen.
Jul 1, 2022

What are 5 ways to reduce the rate of energy transfer in your home? ›

Reducing home heat loss
  • Cavity wall insulation.
  • Solid wall insulation.
  • Floor insulation.
  • Roof and loft insulation.
  • Draught-proofing.
  • Windows and doors.
  • Insulating tanks, pipes and radiators.

What are three ways of conserving energy? ›

Turning off the light when you leave the room, unplugging appliances when they're not in use and walking instead of driving are all examples of energy conservation. The two main reasons people conserve energy are to gain more control over their energy bill and reduce the demand on the earth's natural resources.

How can we reduce the impact of energy? ›

There are many actions you can take to reduce the environmental impacts of your energy use.
  1. Reduce energy waste through ENERGY STAR and energy efficiency.
  2. Switch to cleaner energy sources.
  3. Learn more about where you live.

How can we reduce waste or use less energy? ›

Fortunately, there are clear solutions toward a more efficient system – from power plant to plug.
  1. Switch to renewable energy. ...
  2. Pick power sources that use less water. ...
  3. Reduce methane leaks. ...
  4. Minimize energy loss along wires. ...
  5. Give people only the voltage they need. ...
  6. Boost energy-saving tools for homes.
Mar 31, 2017

What are three ways in which you could decrease wasted energy? ›

We can increase the efficiency of energy transfers in a few different ways: thermal insulation, lubrication and streamlining.

How can we save energy on Earth? ›

If you are interested in saving energy at home, there are a variety of simple and affordable ways to lower your usage.
  1. Use LED light bulbs. ...
  2. Monitor your thermostat setting. ...
  3. Lower your water temperature. ...
  4. Use your curtains (or don't). ...
  5. Consider when demand is high.
Oct 9, 2023

What is the best first step for reducing energy consumption? ›

Turn Off Unused Lights

These lights are not only wasting energy but also contribute to eye strain and headaches. To reduce your energy consumption, one of the first things you should do is turn off unused lights.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.